Sample and Test project of uGUI v.0.31 and FatFs R0.11a library for a PSoC5-LP Kit using a SSD1963 Solomon LCD controller and XPT2046 Touch Controller.
Developed for CY8CKIT-050 PSoC5-LP Kit with a CY8C5868AXI-LP035 device using PSoC Creator 4.2
- Folder with LCD Datasheets.
- Folder with files to store in the SDCard (Needed for testing and image display)
- Folder with PSoC Creator Project (Inside Folder with Drivers, uGUI and FatFs Library)
About uGUI:
About FatFs:
PSoC port made by Hackingchips: /~
Tested with 4Gb SDHC - SDCard.
TFT setup with 16bits BUS - 16 bits Color RGB565.
Where to find the LCD Panel: