Preizkusite svoje spretnosti tako, da istočasno rešite 4 Wordle hkrati! Imate 9 poskusov, da rešite 4 besede. Vsak dan bo na voljo nova skupina 4 besed.
Izvirna angleška različica na
1/ In index.html, change the locale in the HTML tag.
2/ Translate the index.html file manually
3/ Duplicate the "en.js" in assets/lang and rename it with your locale name (ie. fr.js for French)
3/ In assets/index.js on line 64, change the path to the locale file according to your language.
4/ Fully translate the locale file. Be carefull with the "rules" variable and keep the HTML structure.
5/ For special chars, fix alphabet in index.js line 107 and in your keyboardLayout in your locale file.
You can put in wordPick the list of words that can be choosed by the script to be played.
You can put in wordList the list of words that will be accepted as guesses.
Upload, you're done !