CardsView | CarouselView | CoverFlowView | CubeView |
ScaleFactor & OpacityFactor | ScaleFactory & OpacityFactor [2] | TabsControl |
- CoverFlowView sample: /~
- CarouselView sample: /~
- CubeView sample: /~
- CardsView sample: /~
- Available on NuGet: CardsView
- Add nuget package to your Xamarin.Forms .NETSTANDARD/PCL project and to your platform-specific projects
- Add (AFTER
):- CardsViewRenderer.Preserve() AppDelegate in FinishedLaunching for iOS
- CardsViewRenderer.Preserve() MainActivity in OnCreate for Android
Platform | Version |
Xamarin.iOS | iOS 7+ |
Xamarin.Mac | All |
Xamarin.Android | API 15+ |
Windows 10 UWP | 10+ |
Tizen | 4.0+ |
Gtk | All |
WPF | .NET 4.5 |
.NET Standard | 2.0+ |
-> Create CardsView and setup it
var cardsView = new CardsView
ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => new ContentView()) //your template
cardsView.SetBinding(CardsView.ItemsSourceProperty, nameof(PanCardSampleViewModel.Items));
cardsView.SetBinding(CardsView.SelectedIndexProperty, nameof(PanCardSampleViewModel.CurrentIndex));
-> Optionaly you can create ViewModel... or not... as you wish
-> Indicators bar (For CarouselView, perhaps). It's easy to add indicators -> Just add IndicatorsControl into your carouselView as a child view.
carouselView.Children.Add(new IndicatorsControl());
ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
SelectedIndex="{Binding CurrentIndex}">
BackgroundColor="{Binding Color}">
<Image Source="{Binding Source}"/>
Also you are able to manage IndicatorsControl appearing/disappearing. For example if user doesn't select new page during N miliseconds, the indicators will disappear. Just set ToFadeDuration = 2000 (2 seconds delay before disappearing) You manage LeftArrowControl and RightArrowControl as well as IndicatorsControl (ToFadeDuration is presented too).
Indicators styling:
<Style x:Key="ActiveIndicator" TargetType="Frame">
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Red" />
<Style x:Key="InactiveIndicator" TargetType="Frame">
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent" />
<Setter Property="OutlineColor" Value="Red" />
<controls:IndicatorsControl ToFadeDuration="1500"
SelectedIndicatorStyle="{StaticResource ActiveIndicator}"
UnselectedIndicatorStyle="{StaticResource InactiveIndicator}"/>
if you want to add items directly through xaml
<x:Array Type="{x:Type View}">
<Image Source="yourImage.png"/>
<Button Text="Click" />
<Label Text="any text"/>
if you want to achieve scale or opacity changing effects for side views (ScaleFactor & OpacityFactor), you should mange corresponding properties in processor and pass them to view constructor via x:Arguments:
ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<proc:CoverFlowProcessor ScaleFactor="0.75" OpacityFactor="0.25" />
-> If you want to customize indicators, you need set SelectedIndicatorStyle and/or UnselectedIndicatorStyle, or you are able to extend this class and override several methods. Also you can customize position of indicators (You need to set Rotation / AbsoluteLayout Flags and Bounds etc.)
This class is describing default indicators styles (each default indicator item is Frame) /~
MORE SAMPLES you can find here /~
You are able to create custom animations, just implement IProcessor or extend existing processors (change animation speed or type etc.) /~
-> If you want to put your cardsView/carouselView INTO a TabbedPage
on Android:
- Add an event handler for the
event - On
: Disable TabbedPage Swipe Scrolling - On
: Enabled TabbedPage Swipe Scrolling
- TabbedPage:
public partial class TabbedHomePage : Xamarin.Forms.TabbedPage
public static TabbedHomePage Current { get; private set; }
public TabbedHomePage()
Current = this;
public static void DisableSwipe()
public static void EnableSwipe()
- Page with CardsView/CarouselView:
public PageWithCarouselView()
carouselView.UserInteracted += CarouselView_UserInteracted;
private void CarouselView_UserInteracted(PanCardView.CardsView view, PanCardView.EventArgs.UserInteractedEventArgs args)
if (args.Status == PanCardView.Enums.UserInteractionStatus.Started)
if (args.Status == PanCardView.Enums.UserInteractionStatus.Ended)
-> If you don't want to handle vertical swipes or they interrupt your scrolling, you can set IsVerticalSwipeEnabled = "false"
-> If all these tricks didn't help you, you may use IsPanInteractionEnabled = false This trick disables pan interaction, but preserve ability to swipe cards.
-> If you get crashes during ItemsSource update, try to add/set items in Main Thread (Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread)
-> GTK use click / double click for forward/back navigation.
Check source code for more info, or just ask me =)
The MIT License (MIT) see License file
Feel free to create issues and PRs 😃