SR Portal is an one stop platform for verifications of huge and large no. of csv files and pdf.
- This app requires python version>=3.8 .
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
update and install these package first
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
- Click here
- Role Based Access Control.
- Option for automatic and manual allocation of files to Tutors.
- App can automatically detect corrupted csv.
- Any no. of new courses can be added besides Phd and MTech.
- Feature to track how much time did Tutor spent on each document.
- Files are cross verified by two tutors before submission to manager.
- Only authorized person can have active account.
- Contains common platform for making annoucements.
- Cool and nice looking User Interface.
- 32 bit hashed passwords
- For first time use when no admin account exits go to Admin Registration page.
- Above link is accessible only if no admin account exists.
- In the Upload section upload csv file with name as .csv (eg: phd.csv,mtech.csv ,btech.csv), then click on create database button and upload pdf files.
- You can view full documentation from here.
- You can watch full demo video from here
-Teaching Assistant verification window:
- MIT license
- Copyright 2020 © Anchit