Node-GAMLSS integrates the Node-GAM framework and the NAMLSS/GAMLSS framework to train Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (GAMLSS) using multi-layer differentiable trees. This model minimizes the negative log-likelihood for a variety of distributions, with built-in support for handling distributional parameter constraints. The implementation adapts the Node-GAM approach to accommodate distributional regression, making it suitable for deep learning applications that require interpretability. In short, it trains a GAMLSS model by multi-layer differentiable trees and minimizes the negative log-likelihood of a given distribution.
Relevant Papers:
- Node-GAM: Differentiable Generalized Additive Model for Interpretable Deep Learning
- Neural Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape: A Framework for Interpretable Neural Regression Beyond the Mean.
The codebase is inspired by and adapted from the Node-GAM Github repository.
Install Node-GAMLSS directly from the repository using pip:
pip install git+/~
To simply minimize the negative log-likelihood of a normal distribution on a given dataset just use:
from nodegamlss.model import NodeGAMLSS
model = NodeGAMLSS(
device="cpu", #or "cuda"
record =, y)
The "family" parameter defines the distribution that is used.
See nodegamlss/distributions for details regarding the distributions and their parameters. So far, the following distributions are implemented. Feel free to raise an Issue when crucial distributions are missing:
- Normal
- Poisson
- Gamma
- Inverse Gamma
- Dirichlet
- Beta
- StudentT
- Negative Binomial
- Categorical
After fitting, the individual feature and parameter effects are easily visualizable. There are multiple ways to visualize the model. First, we can simply leverage the Node-GAM visualizations and create a Node-GAM-style plot for each parameter.
fig, axes, df = model.visualize_nodegam(X)
This will create as many plots as you have distributional parameters and then create for each feature and feature interaction a subplot.
Additionally, you can create dash plots for each distributional parameter. E.g. for a normal distribution, you can visualize the mean predictions via:
model.plot_single_feature_effects(X, parameter="mean")
And the variance via:
model.plot_single_feature_effects(X, parameter="variance")
The interaction plots are similarly created via:
model.plot_interaction_effects(X, port=8051, parameter="mean")
Furthermore, it is similar to Node-GAM easy and user-friendly to visualize the loss and the evaluation metric simply via:
plt.figure(figsize=[18, 6])
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.title('Training Loss')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.title('Validation Metrics')
plt.xlabel('Steps in every 100 step')