# Hotel Booking Website Backend
## Overview
This repository contains the backend for a hotel booking website.
It includes features such as authentication, role-based authorization, and robust error handling.
The project is organized to ensure maintainability, scalability, and security.
## Technologies Used
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- bcrypt.js
- moment.js
- socket.io
- helmet
- xss-clean
- express-mongo-sanitize
- dotenv
## Folder Structure
db_connection.js # Database connection setup
booking_controller.js # Logic for booking-related routes
hotel_controller.js # Logic for hotel-related routes
index.js # Export all controllers
user_controller.js # Logic for user-related routes
constants/ # Constants used across the application
error.js # Custom error classes
utils.js # Helper functions
auth_middleware.js # Authentication check
check_admin_role.js # Admin role validation
check_owner_role.js # Owner role validation
date_validation_middleware.js # Date validation logic
index.js # Export all middlewares
booking_model.js # Booking schema and model
hotel_model.js # Hotel schema and model
index.js # Export all models
user_model.js # User schema and model
base_repository.js # Base repository with common methods
bookings_repository.js # Booking-related database operations
hotels_repository.js # Hotel-related database operations
index.js # Export all repositories
users_repository.js # User-related database operations
booking_router.js # Routes for booking operations
hotel_router.js # Routes for hotel operations
index.js # Export all routers
user_router.js # Routes for user operations
booking_services.js # Business logic for bookings
hotel_services.js # Business logic for hotels
index.js # Export all services
user_services.js # Business logic for users
uploads/ # File uploads
.env # Environment variables
package-lock.json # Dependency lock file
package.json # Project metadata and dependencies
server.js # Server setup and initialization
## Security Practices
This project is designed as an example of secure coding practices. Here are the key security measures implemented:
### JWT Authentication
- Ensures that users are authenticated before accessing protected routes.
- Each request must include a valid JWT token, which verifies the user's identity.
### Role-based Authorization
- Different roles such as `admin` and `user` have varying levels of access.
- Middleware checks ensure users have the necessary permissions to access specific routes, enhancing security by enforcing role-based access control.
### Input Validation
- Middleware functions like `date_validation_middleware.js` validate user inputs to prevent invalid data from being processed.
- Ensures data integrity and prevents common issues related to malformed input.
### Data Sanitization
- Libraries such as `xss-clean` and `express-mongo-sanitize` are used to sanitize user inputs.
- These libraries help prevent XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) and NoSQL injection attacks by cleaning the input data.
### Password Security
- `bcrypt.js` is used to hash passwords before storing them in the database, ensuring that plain-text passwords are never saved directly.
- Passwords are never included in API responses, protecting sensitive user information.
### HTTP Headers
- `helmet` is used to set secure HTTP headers, protecting the app from common vulnerabilities such as clickjacking, MIME type sniffing, and more.
- Adds an additional layer of security by configuring various HTTP headers appropriately.
### Error Handling
- Custom error classes standardize error responses, improving the clarity and consistency of error handling.
- Provides meaningful error messages to clients while hiding sensitive information that could be exploited by attackers.
## Usage
1. **Clone the repository**:
git clone /~https://github.com/Aman-Jot-Kaur/Hotel-Booking-Backend-Quality-Code.git
cd Hotel-Booking-Backend-Quality-Code
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables: Create a
file and add the necessary environment variables. -
Run the server:
npm start
This backend structure is designed to be scalable, maintainable, and secure, making it an excellent foundation for any hotel booking system. Enjoy building and enhancing your application!