Silentmoon - Yoga & Meditation App
Welcome to the Silentmoon Full Stack MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) App repository! Silentmoon is a platform dedicated to providing users with a tranquil and enriching yoga and meditation experience. Users can register, explore a variety of yoga videos and playlists, create and manage their own playlists, and immerse themselves in soothing meditation music sourced from the Spotify API. This README file will guide you through the installation, features, and technologies used in the app.- Demo
- Features
- Tech Stack
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Usage
- API Integration
- Database
- Authentication
- Backend Routes
- Design
- Deployment
- Third-Party Libraries & Tools
- Contributors
You can view a live demo of the Silentmoon app at
The Silentmoon app has the following features:
- User Registration: Users can create accounts to personalize their experience.
- Video & Playlist Exploration: Users can browse a collection of yoga videos and playlists.
- Playlist Management: Registered users can create, edit, and delete their own playlists.
- Spotify Integration: The app features meditation music from the Spotify API.
- Mobile-based: The app is accessible on mobile with minimal loss of functionality.
- Reminder: Users can set a reminder for their next yoga session.
- High Quality Videos: The videos are hosted on Cloudinary and are of high quality.
- Filter: Users can filter the videos by mood and several categories.
- Search: Users can search for videos and playlists by title.
- Favorites: Users can add videos to their favorites.
The Silentmoon app uses the following technologies:
- Frontend: React, HTML, CSS
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- API Integration: Spotify API
- Design Tools: Canva, Figma
- Version Control: Git
- Deployment:
- Communication: Discord
- HTTP Client: Axios
- Project Management: Trello
To run Silentmoon on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone this repository:
git clone /~
Navigate to the project directory:
cd silentmoon
Install frontend and backend dependencies:
npm install cd frontend npm install cd ../backend npm install
Start the app:
npm run dev
The frontend server will run on http://localhost:3000 and the backend server will run on http://localhost:3001.
Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
Register a new account or log in with the following credentials:
email: password:
Explore the app!
To stop the server, press
Ctrl + C
The Silentmoon app integrates with the Spotify API to provide meditation music. To set up Spotify integration:
Create a Spotify Developer account and create a new app to get your API credentials.
In the
directory, create a.env
file and add your Spotify API credentials:SPOTIFY_ID=your_client_id SPOTIFY_=your_client_secret
Add the following credentials
file for the JWT token withrequire("crypto").randomBytes(64).toString("hex")
:TOKEN_SECRET= your_token_secret
Add the following credentials
file for the MongoDB connection:DB=your_mongodb_connection string (e.g. mongodb://localhost:27017/silentmoon) PORT=3000
Later add the following credentials
file for the Render connection within the Node server:VITE_BACKEND_URL RENDER_EXTERNAL_URL
The Silentmoon app uses MongoDB to store user data. The database is hosted on MongoDB Atlas. The app uses the mongoose
library to connect to the database. The app uses the dotenv
library to load environment variables from the .env
file. The app uses the nodemon
library to automatically restart the server when changes are made to the code. The app uses the morgan
library to log HTTP requests. The Videos are stored on cloudinary
The Silentmoon app uses JWT authentication. The app generates a JWT token when a user registers or logs in. The token is stored in local storage and is used to authenticate the user for protected routes. The token is valid for 24 hours. The app uses the jsonwebtoken
library to generate and verify tokens. The app uses the bcrypt
library to hash passwords. The app uses the axios
library to make HTTP requests.
The Silentmoon app uses the following routes:
- User routes/api/user/secure
- Authentication routes/api/user/getUserData
- Fetch User data routes/api/user/signup
- Signup routes/api/user/login
- Login routes/api/user/logout
- Logout routes/api/user/addexercise
- Add exercise routes/api/user/deleteexercise
- Delete exercise routes/api/user/addplaylist
- Add playlist routes/api/user/deleteplaylist
- Delete playlist routes/api/user/updatereminder
- Update reminder routes
- Spotify routes/api/spotify/playlist
- All Playlist routes/api/spotify/playlist/:id
- Playlist by id routes/api/spotify/onetrack/
- One Track by Id routes/api/spotify/getPlaylistDetails
- Playlist Details routes
- Video routes/api/exercises/details:id
- Video by id routes/api/exercises/filter
- Filter routes by query
The app's UI/UX was designed and Figma The app's wireframes were designed using Figma
The app is deployed using Continuous deployment is set up to automatically deploy the app when changes are pushed to the main
branch. The app is deployed at On Render the app uses the following environment variables: SPOTIFY_ID
, DB
The Silentmoon app uses the following third-party libraries:
- Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.jsbcrypt
- A library to help you hash passwordscors
- CORS is a node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS with various options.dotenv
- Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into
- Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.jsonwebtoken
- An implementation of JSON Web Tokens.mongoose
- Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.morgan
- HTTP request logger middleware for node.jsnodemon
- Nodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server.react-router-dom
- DOM bindings for React Router.cloudinary
- Cloudinary is a cloud service that offers a solution to a web application's entire image management pipeline.
Special thanks to the following contributors for their hard work on this project:
- Elisaatnam - Frontend Developer & Ui/Ux Designer
- Lis-art - Trellomaster & Frontend Developer
- mirzakomic - CSS Master & Frontend Developer
- AlpayC - Backend Developer & Git Master
Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback. Happy coding and meditating with Silentmoon! 🧘♀️🌙