Welcome to the signplus SDK documentation. This guide will help you get started with integrating and using the signplus SDK in your project.
- API version:
- SDK version:
Integrate legally-binding electronic signature to your workflow
This SDK is compatible with the following versions: PHP >= 8.0
To get started with the SDK, we recommend installing using composer
composer require alohi/signplus
The signplus API uses an Access Token for authentication.
This token must be provided to authenticate your requests to the API.
When you initialize the SDK, you can set the access token as follows:
new Client(accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");
If you need to set or update the access token after initializing the SDK, you can use:
You can set a custom timeout for the SDK's HTTP requests as follows:
$sdk = new Client(timeout: 1000);
Below is a comprehensive example demonstrating how to authenticate and call a simple endpoint:
use Signplus\Client;
$sdk = new Client(accessToken: 'YOUR_TOKEN');
$response = $sdk->signplus->getEnvelope(
envelopeId: "envelope_id"
The SDK provides various services to interact with the API.
Below is a list of all available services with links to their detailed documentation:
Name |
Signplus |
The SDK includes several models that represent the data structures used in API requests and responses. These models help in organizing and managing the data efficiently.
Below is a list of all available models with links to their detailed documentation:
Name | Description |
CreateEnvelopeRequest | |
Envelope | |
CreateEnvelopeFromTemplateRequest | |
ListEnvelopesRequest | |
ListEnvelopesResponse | |
Document | |
ListEnvelopeDocumentsResponse | |
AddEnvelopeDocumentRequest | |
SetEnvelopeDynamicFieldsRequest | |
AddEnvelopeSigningStepsRequest | |
RenameEnvelopeRequest | |
SetEnvelopeCommentRequest | |
EnvelopeNotification | |
SetEnvelopeExpirationRequest | |
SetEnvelopeLegalityLevelRequest | |
Annotation | |
ListEnvelopeDocumentAnnotationsResponse | |
AddAnnotationRequest | |
CreateTemplateRequest | |
Template | |
ListTemplatesRequest | |
ListTemplatesResponse | |
AddTemplateDocumentRequest | |
ListTemplateDocumentsResponse | |
AddTemplateSigningStepsRequest | |
RenameTemplateRequest | |
SetTemplateCommentRequest | |
ListTemplateAnnotationsResponse | |
ListTemplateDocumentAnnotationsResponse | |
CreateWebhookRequest | |
Webhook | |
ListWebhooksRequest | |
ListWebhooksResponse | |
EnvelopeLegalityLevel | Legal level of the envelope (SES is Simple Electronic Signature, QES_EIDAS is Qualified Electronic Signature, QES_ZERTES is Qualified Electronic Signature with Zertes) |
EnvelopeFlowType | Flow type of the envelope (REQUEST_SIGNATURE is a request for signature, SIGN_MYSELF is a self-signing flow) |
EnvelopeStatus | Status of the envelope |
SigningStep | |
Recipient | |
RecipientRole | Role of the recipient (SIGNER signs the document, RECEIVES_COPY receives a copy of the document, IN_PERSON_SIGNER signs the document in person, SENDER sends the document) |
RecipientVerification | |
RecipientVerificationType | Type of signature verification (SMS sends a code via SMS, PASSCODE requires a code to be entered) |
Page | |
EnvelopeOrderField | Field to order envelopes by |
DynamicField | |
AnnotationType | Type of the annotation |
AnnotationSignature | Signature annotation (null if annotation is not a signature) |
AnnotationInitials | Initials annotation (null if annotation is not initials) |
AnnotationText | Text annotation (null if annotation is not a text) |
AnnotationDateTime | Date annotation (null if annotation is not a date) |
AnnotationCheckbox | Checkbox annotation (null if annotation is not a checkbox) |
AnnotationFont | |
AnnotationFontFamily | Font family of the text |
AnnotationDateTimeFormat | Format of the date time (DMY_NUMERIC_SLASH is day/month/year with slashes, MDY_NUMERIC_SLASH is month/day/year with slashes, YMD_NUMERIC_SLASH is year/month/day with slashes, DMY_NUMERIC_DASH_SHORT is day/month/year with dashes, DMY_NUMERIC_DASH is day/month/year with dashes, YMD_NUMERIC_DASH is year/month/day with dashes, MDY_TEXT_DASH_SHORT is month/day/year with dashes, MDY_TEXT_SPACE_SHORT is month/day/year with spaces, MDY_TEXT_SPACE is month/day/year with spaces) |
AnnotationCheckboxStyle | Style of the checkbox |
TemplateSigningStep | |
TemplateRecipient | |
TemplateRecipientRole | Role of the recipient (SIGNER signs the document, RECEIVES_COPY receives a copy of the document, IN_PERSON_SIGNER signs the document in person, SENDER sends the document) |
TemplateOrderField | Field to order templates by |
WebhookEvent | Event of the webhook |
This SDK is licensed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for more details.