Container for running Direwolf soundcard softmodem on BalenaCloud
Create BalenaCloud account
Create a new Application with a distinct name
Add a new device (Download and write provided image to SD card)
Install SDcard into Raspberry Pi and wait for it to appear under 'Devices'
Add Device Environmental Variables (See Variables section below)
Install Balena-CLI tools
Clone this project
git clone /~
Login to balena
balena login
Push project to application (name created in step 2)
Wait for build to complete
On Device summary page, open a terminal to device 'main'
to adjust audio device levels -
to save audio device levels
The following 'Device Environmental Variables' can be used to configure a device from BalenaCloud, alternatively 'Application Environmental Variables' can be used to apply configuration options to all devices within a fleet
Variable | USE |
CALLSIGN | Your stations callsign (eg. MB7XXX-10) |
ADEVICE | Device HW Identity (eg. rtlsdr, plughw:1,0) |
IGSERVER | APRS Tier2 Server address (eg. |
IGLOGIN | APRS Login name and passcode (eg. MB7XXX 1234) |
LONGITUDE | Longitude |
LATITUDE | Latitude |
ALT | Altitude (In Meters ASL) |
SYMBOL | APRS Symbol (eg. igate) |
OVERLAY | APRS Symbol Overlay (eg. S) |
COMMENT | APRS Comment (eg. Direwolf on BalenaCloud) |