MessageParser.NET Is Simple Mesage Parser For XML,ISO 8583,EXCEL,JSON,Batch File
Nuget Url:
MessageParser.NET.Tools.ExcelParser excel = new MessageParser.NET.Tools.ExcelParser(@"E:\Path\ExcelFile.xlsx");
var temp = excel.GetWorksheet(1);
excel.AddColumn(temp, "test");
excel.AddData(temp, "test", "123");
excel.AddRangeColumn(temp, new string[] { "t1", "t2", "t3" });
FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"E:\other\book.xlsx", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
byte[] buf = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
MessageParser.NET.Tools.ExcelParser excel = new MessageParser.NET.Tools.ExcelParser(buf);
var a = excel.GetWorksheet(2);
excel.AddColumn(a, "test");
excel.AddData(a, "test", "123");
excel.AddRangeColumn(a, new string[] { "t1", "t2", "t3" });
string raw = @"<bookstore>
<book genre='autobiography' publicationdate='1981-03-22' ISBN='1-861003-11-0'>
<title>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title>
MessageParser.NET.Tools.XmlParser xml = new MessageParser.NET.Tools.XmlParser();
var temp1 = xml.GetAllElements(raw);
var temp2 = xml.GetAllText(raw);
var temp3 = xml.GetAttributeValue(raw, "book", "genre");
String xmlString = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf - 8'?>
<Card xmlns:Card = '1234' >
<item y='12' x='23'>
<item2 x = 'abc' ></item2>
<item y='1' x='2'>
<a y='1'></a>
</Card> ";
var s = xml.SetAttribute(xmlString, "item", "a","val" ,"yes");
<? xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf - 8' ?>
< Card xmlns:Card = "1234" >
< item y = "12" x = "23" >
< a val = "yes" ></ a >
< b ></ b >
< a val = "yes" ></ a >
</ item >
< item2 x = "abc" ></ item2 >
< item y = "1" x = "2" >
< a val = "yes" ></ a >
</ item >
< a y = "1" ></ a >
</ Card >
var temp4 = xml.SetElementText(xmlString,"a","new 123 val");
/*Out Put:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf - 8'?>
<Card xmlns:Card = '1234' >
<item y='12' x='23'>
<a >new 123 val</a>
<a>new 123 val</a>
<item2 x = 'abc' ></item2>
<item y='1' x='2'>
<a>new 123 val</a>
<a y='1'>new 123 val</a>
student[] stu = new student[3];
stu[0] = new student { id = 1, name = "a" };
stu[1] = new student { id = 2, name = "b" };
stu[2] = new student { id = 3, name = "c" };
var jsonPack = JsonTools.Serialize<student[]>(stu);
var myObject = JsonTools.Deserialize<student[]>(jsonPack);
class student
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
MessageParser.NET.Tools.ISO8583 iso = new MessageParser.NET.Tools.ISO8583();
string[] data = iso.Parse("080020200000008000000000000000013239313130303031");
string MTI = "0200";
string PAN = "62737105152193654";
string ProCode = "001000";
string Amount = "20000";
string DateTime = "0239501820";
string STAN = "456";
string TID = "44449999";
string POSEM = "02";
string[] DE = new string[130];
DE[2] = PAN;
DE[3] = ProCode;
DE[4] = Amount;
DE[7] = DateTime;
DE[11] = STAN;
DE[22] = POSEM;
DE[41] = TID;
string NewISOmsg = iso.Build(DE, MTI);
string txt = @"
hi my name is alireza.
this is a test value for can detect date value in the txt like (persian date:1394-01-01).
or detect Geo position like this (21.422530, 39.826178).
or mail address like (,|
or url like ( , /~
or currency like ($1,000or$125,100).";
MessageParser.NET.Tools.Patterns pattern = new MessageParser.NET.Tools.Patterns();
string[] Mail = pattern.GetMails(txt);
string[] Currency = pattern.GetCurrency(txt);
string[] Date = pattern.GetDate(txt);
string[] Url = pattern.GetUrl(txt);
string[] Position = pattern.GetPosition(txt);
Console.WriteLine("all mail address in the txt:");
foreach (string t in Mail)
Console.WriteLine("all Currency in the txt:");
foreach (string t in Currency)
Console.WriteLine("all Date in the txt:");
foreach (string t in Date)
Console.WriteLine("all Url in the txt:");
foreach (string t in Url)
Console.WriteLine("all Position in the txt:");
foreach (string t in Position)
Batch Parser:
assume we have a txt file with this name "data.txt".
first you must create a xml file (syntax) for example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<record StartWith="[" EndWith="]"/>
<FIELD1 ID="1" Type="string" Title="name" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD2 ID="2" Type="string" Title="lastname" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD3 ID="3" Type="string" Title="shenasname" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD4 ID="4" Type="int" Title="age" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD5 ID="5" Type="string" Title="url" TERMINATOR="]"/>
if records has a boundary you must set that in "StartWith" and "EndWith" attribute in the record element.
in this sample our record is between "[" and "]". ([record]) --> ([alireza,p,0010000000,24,]).
so record should be :
for next step you must set fields info in syntax file. for example each record in the "data.txt" has 5 section (name,lastname,id,age,url)
so content element should be has 5 field (FIELD1,FIELD2,FIELD3,FIELD4,FIELD5).
each field has 5 property (ID,Type,Title,TERMINATOR,MAX_LENGTH)
is a unic for field and it must order by data sections.
is type of field (for example if the first section type in the data.txt is string so Type in the Filed1 must be string).
*Note: supported type: [string , char , int , double , decimal , byte , bool]
is a property name for elemnet.( for example first element in the data.txt is name so Title Value in the Filed1 must be name)
*Note:Title Value must be match with your class property name. for example if Title value is Age you must craete a class that have a property with Age name.
specifid delimiter for field. (for example in the "alireza,p,0010000000,24," section splited with ',' so TERMINATOR for each fields must be ',')
Full Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<record StartWith="[" EndWith="]"/>
<FIELD1 ID="1" Type="string" Title="name" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD2 ID="2" Type="string" Title="lastname" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD3 ID="3" Type="string" Title="shenasname" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD4 ID="4" Type="int" Title="age" TERMINATOR=","/>
<FIELD5 ID="5" Type="string" Title="url" TERMINATOR="]"/>
now in the code:
define a class for batch file:
class student
public string name { get; set; }
public string lastname { get; set; }
public int age { get; set; }
public string shenasname { get; set; }
public string url { get; set; }
then call parsefile:
student myObj = new student();
student[] res = batch.ParseFile("e:\\data.txt", "e:\\syntax.xml", myObj);
foreach(student s in res)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}",, s.lastname, s.age, s.shenasname, s.url);
Other Sample For Batch Parser:
data.txt: (without boundary)
syntax.xml: (without boundary StartWith and EndWith value is null)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<record StartWith="" EndWith=""/>
<FIELD1 ID="1" Type="string" Title="name" TERMINATOR="," MAX_LENGTH="30"/>
<FIELD2 ID="2" Type="string" Title="lastname" TERMINATOR="," MAX_LENGTH="30"/>
<FIELD3 ID="3" Type="string" Title="shenasname" TERMINATOR="," MAX_LENGTH="30"/>
<FIELD4 ID="4" Type="int" Title="age" TERMINATOR="," MAX_LENGTH="3"/>
<FIELD5 ID="5" Type="string" Title="url" TERMINATOR="," MAX_LENGTH="50"/>
in the code:
define a class for batch file:
class student
public string name { get; set; }
public string lastname { get; set; }
public int age { get; set; }
public string shenasname { get; set; }
public string url { get; set; }
then call parsefile:
student myObj = new student();
student[] res = batch.ParseFile("e:\\data.txt", "e:\\syntax.xml", myObj);
foreach(student s in res)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}",, s.lastname, s.age, s.shenasname, s.url);
Refrence: (BIM_ISO8583 )