Alibaba Tianchi AIEarth 2021 match submission source repo for team 这是个队名.
Tried models: simple CNN, ConvLSTM
Quit the match due the team are otherwise occupied, so honestly speaking the result is far from satisfaction.
- clone repository
- create directories as below
Repo root
- Download dataset https://tianchi-competition.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/531871/enso_round1_train_20210201.zip
- install dependencies
conda create -n aiearth pytorch=1.4 cudatoolkit=10.1 xarray netCDF4 numpy pandas
conda activate aiearth
# conda deactivate
- debug & run
python main.py --debug --small-dataset 500
for more arguments, see python main.py --help
This repo is binded with Alicloud, every commit of main branch and release will be built automatically. Image repo: https://cr.console.aliyun.com/repository/cn-shenzhen/alexhaoge/aiearth/details