- A simple full stack application for me learn and improve my skills in AdonisJS 6 framework
- Reference: https://adocasts.com/
- MVC Structure
- TailwindCSS
- Edge Template Engine
- Email & Password Authentication
- Authorization
- Upload Files
- Pagination
- PM2 Process Manager
- Migrations and Seeders
- Factories Design Pattern
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Redis
- PostgreSQL
- Social Login Authentication Google & Github
- GitHub Actions CI/CD
- REST API to consume data
- Emails Service
- Healthchecks
- Clone repository
git clone /~https://github.com/AlexGalhardo/adonisjs.alexgalhardo.com
- Enter repository
cd adonisjs.alexgalhardo.com/
- Run setup.sh
chmod +x ./setup.sh && ./setup.sh
Copyright (c) May 2024-present, Alex Galhardo