This is a little but cute web app that allows you to search for movies and add them to a watchlist. You can view your watchlist on a separate page. And then watch these gems one by one!
- Authentication with Google: sign in with your Google account to create your own watchlist.
- Search Movies: enter a movie title, and the app fetches information from the OMDb API.
- Add to Watchlist: add your favorite movies or the ones your want to watch to a watchlist with a click of a button.
- View Watchlist: check out all the movies you've added to your watchlist on the dedicated watchlist page.
- Sign in with your Google account.
- Enter a movie title in the search bar and click the search button.
- Click the "+" button on a movie to add it to your watchlist.
- Open the watchlist page to view all the movies you've added.
- JavaScript
- Firebase Realtime Database
- The OMDb API
- Font Awesome CDN
This project uses the OMDb API to fetch movie information.
Movie and watchlist data are stored in the Firebase Realtime Database.
- Alena Tikhomirova
If you have ideas to enhance this project or encounter any issues, feel free to contribute by opening an issue or submitting a pull request. Your input is highly valued!
For inquiries or feedback, please contact me at
This is a solo project I built in Scrimba's Frontend Development course. Scrimba is awesome!