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Transformation of Physical Environments through Integrated Sensor Fusion and Computer Vision for Interactive Digital Recreation

This repository contains all the nodes, models for gazebo environment, launch files, simulations and all the archictechture verify the theory and hypothesis related to the research "Transformation of Physical Environments through Integrated Sensor Fusion and Computer Vision for Interactive Digital Recreation" thus developing a in order to development a minimun viable product.

As you can see, we have three folders: Gazebo_models, environment_tiago and ros2_ws. The first one contains all the mesh models used in the gazebo environment (necessary to insert them in our simulation), the second one, contains the simulation worlds along with the TIAGo models to use them in the simulation (These elements were obtained from Francisco Rico's book). Finally, ros2_ws contains all the nodes and launch files created for the 3D reconstruction. Each folder will be explained to create this environment in your own device.


  • Ubuntu Systems (NOTE: This project was developed for Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy), I recommend installing this version to reduce the existing incompatibilities in Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) for the time being).
  • ROS 2 - Humble. How to install ROS 2?
  • Gazebo Classic. How to install Gazebo?
  • Azure Kinext Camera.
  • Install Azure Kinect Sensor SDK.
  • Install pyKinectAzure.

Installation guide for Azure Kinect Sensor SDK for Ubuntu 22.04

This brief guide is based on the work of Sandy Huang who in a blog post explains how to use the Azure Kinect Sensor SDK, which officially only supports Ubuntu 18.04, but can be used for Ubuntu 22.04 through the following installation:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies using the following commands.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt install -y libgl1-mesa-dev libsoundio-dev libvulkan-dev libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libssl-dev libudev-dev mesa-common-dev uuid-dev
    pip install numpy opencv-python
  2. Download the necessary .deb packages, these allow us to access specific camera functions. For the functions of our experiment, it is necessary to install the following ones:

    • k4a-tools_1.4.1 - Command line tools to interact with Azure Kinect devices.
    • libk4a1.4 - Azure Kinect Sensor SDK core library that allows interacting with the camera from developed applications.
    • libk4a1.4-dev - Provides the development files for compiling applications using the libk4a1.4 library.
    • libk4abt1.1 - Library for body tracking with Azure Kinect.
    • libk4abt1.1-dev - Provides the development files needed to compile applications using the libk4abt1.1 library
  3. Place the .deb files in the \home directory. Once there, install the packages:

    sudo dpkg -i libk4a1.4-dev_1.4.1_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i libk4a1.4_1.4.1_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i k4a-tools_1.4.1_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i libk4abt1.1-dev_1.1.1_amd64.deb
    sudo dpkg -i libk4abt1.1_1.1.1_amd64.deb
  4. On Linux, the device should automatically load all drivers when attached. However, to use the Azure Kinect SDK without being ‘root’, you need to set up udev rules:

    • Clone Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

    • Copy scripts/99-k4a.rules into /etc/udev/rules.d/

      git clone /~
      cd Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK
      sudo cp scripts/99-k4a.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    • Detach and reattach Azure Kinect devices if they were attached during this process.

  5. Once completed, the Azure Kinect camera is available, check it out.


Installation guide for pyKinectAzure

  1. Once all the tools for the Azure Kinect SDK (seen in the previous section) are installed, we can install the pyKinectAzure library. This library lets you use the Kinect Azure DK with Python.

    git clone /~
  2. Navigate to the cloned folder and install the required dependencies.

    cd pyKinectAzure
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install the package.

    python3 install
  4. Now going to the examples folder, let's run one of them to check the correct installation and operation of the Python library, for example, we will run the example

    cd pyKinectAzure/examples

SETUP: Gazebo_models

When you have finally installed Gazebo on your device, a hidden folder .gazebo will be created. This folder is located in \home and may contain the following folders:

Screenshot from 2024-11-28 10-48-08

The model folder is the one we are interested, in it we will put the models from the repository folder Gazebo_models (it contains the models for: apple, can and coffee). If you doing this, you can use the 3D models in gazebo.


The following is a description of how to set up the working environments for the TIAGo simulation packages in Gazebo and the package developed for the 3D transformation. The order of creation of each one is indistinct, however, the execution of these packages has a specific order, which we will discuss later in the run section.

SETUP: Ros2_ws

To generate the workspace with the 3D Transformation package on your device, it is quite simple. Since we don't need to create anything from scratch, and using GitHub commands, the process will be as follows:

  1. Create a workspace with a src directory.
    mkdir -p Ros2_ws/src  ## This is a example name, you can use other.
  2. Go to the src folder and git clone the repository superficially, because we are only interested in keeping the ros2_ws folder to build the package.
    cd Ros2_ws/src
    git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none /~
  3. Once you are inside the newly cloned repository, initialize sparse-checkout.
    cd 3D-Environment-Recreator
    git sparse-checkout init --cone
  4. Configure the folder to be cloned, in this case ros2_ws.
    git sparse-checkout set ros2_ws
  5. Checkout from the main branch to download the selected files.
    git checkout main

SETUP: Environment_tiago

For the gazebo simulation environment with TIAGo integrated in it we rely on the work of Francisco Rico, who previously worked with a Gazebo simulation with TIAGo, so we will explain the construction of his project on our devices and how to link it with our 3D transformation project.

NOTE: Due to certain dependencies and requirements that his repository requests when configuring it, we will work it in a particular workspace which not only allows to streamline the construction of changes in the transformation environment (as Francisco's work has 38 packages), but also the reduction of errors.

  1. Create a workspace only by creating a directory with a src directory within.
    mkdir -p environment_tiago/src  ## This is a example name, you can use other.
  2. Then add the packages developed by Francisco Rico through git clone.
    cd environment_tiago/src
    git clone -b humble-devel /~
  3. In this workspace, there are many packages with dependencies on other packages not part of the ROS 2 Humble distribution. To add the sources of these packages to the workspace, we will use the vcstool.
    cd ~/environment_tiago/src
    vcs import . < book_ros2/third_parties.repos
  4. Before building, let's use rosdep to install any package missing to build the entire workspace.
    cd ~/environment_tiago
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  5. Build the workspace, always from its root, using the colcon command.
    cd ~/environment_tiago
    colcon build --symlink-install
  6. To use the packages of the workspace, activate it.
    source ~/environment_tiago/install/setup.bash


To be able to execute the packages of the working environments, it is necessary to understand the order of execution, it will always be the same, even if you decide to make modifications, the order is as follows:

  1. environment_tiago
  2. ros2_ws

Below is indicated how to run each one.

RUN: environment_tiago

Running the Gazebo environment

  1. Use the environment created for the simulation and build the workspace.
    cd environment_tiago
    colcon build
  2. Activate the worspace to be able to use the packages.
    source install/setup.bash
  3. Once activated, run the launch file, if all dependencies and processes were performed correctly, a Gazebo window will be executed as shown below.
    ros2 launch br2_tiago is_public_sim:=True

TIAGo Teleoperation

  1. In order to move the TIAGo in the simulation, in a new window linked to the working environment you must execute the following line.
    ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r cmd_vel:=key_vel

A video demonstration of how to do this is below.

TIAGo Grasping

  1. To move the TIAGo arm in the simulation, you need in a new tab linked to the workspace to rebuild and activate the packages followed by the launch to moveit.
    colcon build
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch tiago_moveit_config

A video demonstration of how to do this is below.

With these three nodes running you can interact with the TIAGo robot in the simulation, this is the first step to be able to run the 3D reconstruction, now we will need the next part: the transformation node.

RUN: ros2_ws

With the Gazebo environment generated and working, it is now necessary to initialize the second part for the operation of the transformation and interaction in simulation, for which we need to run the corresponding launch in the workspace of the 3D Transformation node. For this. follow the next steps:

  1. Use the environment created for the simulation and build the workspace.
    cd ros2_ws
    colcon build
  2. Activate the worspace to be able to use the packages.
    source install/setup.bash
  3. Once activated, run the launch file.
    ros2 launch py_kinect_azure_pkg

After its execution a tab with rviz with the topicals to the point cloud and to the yolo node, to see the latter, select again the image checkbox at the end of the display list. Below is how the launch execution looks like.


Repository focused on the development of a minimum viable product for our reasearch.







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