This is an opinionated structure for creating twitch extensions without using js frameworks (React, Vue, Angular ....), it is a structure that can easily support any famous structure if the complexity of its extension increases.
requires Node.js to run.
$ git clone /~
$ cd twitch-extension-without-js-framework
$ npm install
$ cd twitch-extension-without-js-framework
$ npm start
[configuration] http://localhost:9000/configuration.html
[live-configuration] http://localhost:9000/live-configuration.html
[panel] http://localhost:9000/panel.html
[video-component] http://localhost:9000/video-component.
[video-fullscreen] http://localhost:9000/video-fullscreen.html
[mobile] http://localhost:9000/mobile.html
$ cd twitch-extension-without-js-framework
$ npm run build
Builds the extension for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles twitch extension in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
The extension is ready to be deployed!
Linux user:
$ cd twitch-extension-without-js-framework
$ npm run review-twitch
this command executes the build script and then compresses all the files in the build folder to a
if this command does not work on your S.O, use the way your S.O makes use, there is an example of the zip file inside the build folder
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