This is a python2 script which can be used to monitor Linux/Ubuntu/Unix server CPU, Memory and Disk utilization and issue warning as emails in the case of exceeding utilization thresholds defined. Simple and easy to understand script to a person who has basic python coding skills. Feel free to contribute for greater features.
You can find a function name analyze_server in the file. Write a suiltable main method and call this function inside with the suitable parameters. Script will report the current CPU, RAM and Disk utilization values to a ServerHealth.log file in the sepecified location in the parameter.
def main():
# Consider:
# CPU Idle percentage threshold as 20%
# Memory availability percentage threshold as 20%
# Disk free space percentage threshold as 20%
toEmail = ****@***.com
fromEmail = **** #
fromEmailPassword = ****
analyze_server(20, 20, 20, "/var/www/project/media/", True, toEmail, fromEmail, fromEmailPassword):
if __name__=="__main__":
toEmail - Any email address where you want to receive warning emails.
fromEmail - google email address that you own with ability to access by third party applications (unsecured);
fromEmailPassword - password of the google email that you own
You can add a similar main method to file and schedule a cron job to run periodically. By having ServerHealth.log file in a STATIC location (location where you can access from outside), will ease you to monitor the server. However, you will receive an email whenever the thresholds are reached.
Navigate to the location where the is located.
sudo chmod -R 777
In the case that the python libaries are mission install them as follows.
pip install library_name
If the execution is successfull, script will results nothing to the console but ServerHealth.log file.
Open ssh to server:
sudo crontab -e
Add following entry at the end of file and save.
0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/bin/python2 /var/www/project/
python2 location can be different from /usr/bin/python2. Use the correct python2 location on your server.