Migrates sourceforge tickets (bugs, patches, feature requests, support requests) to Github issues using the Sourcforge API to fetch info and the Github API to create the issues and comments. Admin privs for the destination project are needed, but no special privileges are needed on the Sourceforge side (unlike other migration tools which require you to be an admin of the original Sourceforge project).
All tickets and comments are created under the Github user credentials supplied, and links back to the original Sourceforge tickets/comments/users/files are provided in each ticket and comment.
Progress is stored in a local database file, so the migration can be aborted and restarted, or even re-run periodically if needed to migrate any additional activity on the Sourceforge project over to the Github project, while avoiding the creation of duplicate issues or comments (if the proper progress datafile is supplied).
# Download and install dependencies
go get -u github.com/Ajnasz/sf2gh
# Build main program
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Ajnasz/sf2gh
go build
Generate a github token on /~https://github.com/settings/tokens
Edit the config.example.json, set the userName
to your github username and
set the accessToken to the one you generated.
Create the github repository where you want to move the sourceforge tickets to. ( /~https://github.com/new )
./sf2gh -ghRepo github-repo-name -project sf-project-name
For example to move fluxbox tickets to your fluxbox github repo:
./sf2gh -ghRepo fluxbox -project fluxbox
- ghRepo: Github repository name (required)
- project: Sourceforge project name (required)
- category: Process what type of ticket (one of: bugs, patches, feature-requests, support-requests) (default "bugs")
- progressStorage: Name of a file to store progress in (default progress-.dat) (optional)
- skipcomments: Do not check for new comments on already existing tickets (optional)
- ticketTemplate: Name of file to use as template for tickets
- commentTemplate: Name of file to use as template for comments
- sleepTime: Sleep between api calls in milliseconds. Github may stop you use the API if you call it too frequently (optional)
- verbose: Display more verbose progress (optional)
- debug: Enable debug messages (optional)