| Gatsby | React | Blog | contentful | Gatsby-plugin-file | Helmet |
| image-plugin-sharp | SPA | Netlify | Hosting | CSS | SCSS | JSX |
| Filesystem | JS | GraphQL | Playground | Node.js | createNode | slug |
- 1: Go to terminal & type:
npm install -g gatsby-cli
gatsby new bootcamp /~https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-hello-world
cd bootcamp
We have Installed Gatsby, Now We will run in dev mode & start coding
- 2: Go to terminal & type:
npm run develop
- 3: Go To index.js @
& follow inst [1-2
] - 4: Create blog.js @
& follow inst [3-5
] - 5: Create about @
& follow inst [6-8
] - 6: Create contacts @
& follow inst [9-11
] - 7: Go To index.js @
& create contacts PageLinks, follow inst [12-13
] - 8: Go To contacts.js @
& create Home PageLinks, follow inst [14-15
] - 9: Go To about.js @
& create Home & Contacts PageLinks, follow inst [16-17
] - 10: Create components directory @
- 11: Create footer @
& follow inst [18-20
] - 12: Go To index.js @
& import Footer ComponentLinks, follow inst [21.1-21.2
] - 13: Similarly Go To all other Pages add Footer ComponentLinks
- 14: Create header @
& follow inst [22-24
] - 15: Go To index.js @
& import header ComponentLinks, follow inst [25.1-25.2
] - 16: Similarly Go To all other Pages add header ComponentLinks
- 17: Create layout @
& follow inst [26-28
] - 18: Go To index.js @
& Delete header & footer components & then import layout ComponentLinks, follow inst [29.1-29.2
] - 19: Similarly Go To all other Pages add layout ComponentLinks
- 20: Create styles directory @
& In terminal installgatsby-plugin--sass
: -
npm install --save node-sass gatsby-plugin-sass
- 21: Create gatsby-config.js directory @
& follow inst [30
] - 22: Create index.scss directory @
- 23: Restart the server, using the terminal cmd:
npm run develop
- 24: Now go to link
& copy the raw code & paste in/src/styles/index.scss
- 25: Create header.module.scss @
& follow inst [31
] - 26: Go To header.js @
&import header.scss
- 27: Go to
& follow inst [32
] - 28: Go to link
& type query: -
query { site { siteMetadata { title}}}
- 29: Go To header.js @
& follow inst [33
] - 30: Go To footer.js @
& follow inst [34
] - 31: Now for installing the
new GraphQl playground IDE
, go to terminal: -
- 32: Create .env.dev @
& follow inst [35
] -
npm i --save-dev env-cmd
- 33: Now go to
& change underscripts/develop/"env-cmd .env.dev gatsby develop"
, type:GATSBY_GRAPHQL_IDE=playground
npm run develop
- 34: Now Create Posts directory @
- 35: Create gatsby.md @
- 36: Create react.md @
- 37: Now Install gatsby
plugin for filesystem
, go to terminal: -
npm i gatsby-source-filesystem@2.0.28
- 38: Go to
& follow inst [36
]``` -
npm run develop
- 39: Go to link
& type query: -
query { allFile { edges { node { name, dir, extension }}}}
- 40: Now Install gatsby
plugin for prarsing filesystem
, go & -
npm i gatsby-transformer-remark@2.3.8
- 41: Go to
& follow inst [37
] -
npm run develop
- 42: o to link
& type query: -
query { allMarkdownRemark { edges { node { frontmatter { title date }, html, excerpt, wordCount { paragraphs sentences words } }}}}
- 43: Go To blog.js @
& follow inst [38
] - 44: Create gatsby-node.js @
& follow inst [39
] - 45: Now Create templates directory @
- 46: Create blog.js @
& follow inst [40
] - 47: Go To gatsby-node.js @
& follow inst [41
] - 48: Go To blog.js @
& follow inst [42
] - 49: Now Install gatsby
plugin for fetching, prarsing, linking images
, go & -
npm i gatsby-plugin-sharp@2.0.32 gatsby-remark-images@3.0.10 gatsby-remark-relative-images@0.2.2
- 50: Go to
& follow inst [43
]``` -
npm run develop
- 51: create a
foreach post
inpost directory
for structuring - 52: Now create footer.module.scss @
& follow inst [44
] - 53: Now import footer.module.scss @
, inst [44.1
] - 54: Now create blog.module.scss @
& follow inst [45
] - 55: Now import blog.module.scss @
, inst [45.1
] - 56: Now for
, we will usecontentful
, so go to linkwww.contentful.com
& create an account. - 57: Now Install
gatsby plugin for contentful
, go & -
npm i gatsby-source-contentful
- 58: Go to
& follow inst [46
] -
npm run develop
- 59: Go to link
& type query: -
query { allContentfulBlogPost(sort: { fields: publishedDate, order: DESC }) { edges { node { title slug publishedDate(formatString: "DD-MMM-YYYY")}}}}
- 60: Go To blog.js @
& follow inst [47
] - 61: Go To gatsby-node.js @
& follow inst [48
] - 62: Go To blog.js @
& follow inst [49
] - 63: Install
toparse body
npm i @contentful/rich-text-react-renderer
- 64: Go To blog.js @
& follow inst [50
] - 65: Create 404.js @
& follow inst [51
] - 66: Now install
Helmet plugin
for configuringhead of page
npm i gatsby-plugin-react-helmet@3.0.12 react-helmet@5.2.0
- 67: Go to
& follow inst [52
] - 68: Create head @
& follow inst [53
] - 69: Go To index.js @
& import head ComponentLinks, follow inst [54
] - 70:
Go Toall other Pages
add head ComponentLinks
Done--- Now Let us Push it to git
- 71:
git status
: Check the status of the git repo. - 72:
git add .
: Add all the required changes to git repo. - 73:
git commit -m "final gatsby-site"
: Commit - Save all changes with a message. - 74:
git remote add origin https://* github.com/Ajesh777/* gatsby-bootcamp.git
: Connecting to your created repo @ github site, copy your link @ create repo, option. - 75:
git push -u origin master
: Now finally push all contents to this github repo.
Done--- Now we are ready fo Deploying to Netlify
- 76: Go to the link
& sign up forfree
- 77: Give access to your github account.
- 78: Go to your email, inbox & then Verify your email account.
- 79: Now go back hit
create a new site
- 80: Select your github repo we just created
- 81: Select Advanced Build Settings
- 82: Click on variables & add the neccesary .env variables we created for contentful.
- 83: Finaly Click Deploy Site