This is a C preprocessor for Ginkgo. It is based on Frexx CPP by Daniel Stenberg which supports ANSI C. I forked this project and will update it to C23. I have already implemented __VA_ARGS__ and __VA_OPT__, and I will implement other C23 features in the future.
The original README content is as below.
Frexx CPP (C Preprocessor)
Copyright (c) by Daniel Stenberg 1993 - 2011
This is a C preprocessor. It is a project based on public domain code, then forked by Daniel in 1993 and future work has been done under a BSD license.
The C preprocessor is now (mostly?) ANSI C compliant, and some tweaks have been applied to also make it fairly usable to process other data files, such as HTML for simple web sites.
Code: /~