This Docker-based Laravel application utilizes multiple containers, including Nginx, PHP, MySQL, Composer, Artisan, and NPM. This configuration is designed to facilitate development by providing a complete environment without requiring local dependency installations.
Before starting, ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your machine:
- Docker: Get Docker
- Docker Compose: Install Docker Compose
Follow these steps to set up and run the application on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone /~
cd multi-container-app
Before starting the full application, run the Composer container to install Laravel dependencies. This utility container syncs with your local ./src directory to set up Laravel on your host machine:
For some OS it may require you to create /src folder manually into your working directory
##for first setup:
docker-compose run composer create-project laravel/laravel .
## for this clone
docker-compose run composer install
Copy the sample environment configuration and adjust as necessary,
Configure the MySQL environment variables accordingly remember that from the laravel 11 sqlite is set as default database:
cp env/mysql.env.example env/mysql.env
## for first setup: all is set automatically for you
# for this clone, just copy
cp src/.env.example src/.env
Build and start the containers from the project root:
docker-compose run server
docker-compose run artisan key:generate
docker-compose run artisan migrate
# docker-compose run artisan db:seed
Once the containers are running, you can access the application via:
- src/: Contains all Laravel files.
- dockerfiles/: Custom Dockerfiles for the project.
- nginx/: Nginx configuration files.
- env/: Environment files for Docker services.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Reporting issues and suggesting enhancements.
- Submitting pull requests to improve the project.