This repositry contains my solution for the python versions of the programming assignments for the Machine Learning online class taught by Professor Andrew Ng. This is perhaps the most popular introductory online machine learning class. In addition to being popular, it is also one of the best Machine learning classes any interested student can take to get started with machine learning. An unfortunate aspect of this class is that the programming assignments are in MATLAB or OCTAVE, probably because this class was made before python became the go-to language in machine learning.
you can clone its repository using :
clone /~
These assignments has been tested and developed using the following libraries:
- python==3.6.4
- numpy==1.13.3
- scipy==1.0.0
- matplotlib==2.1.2
- jupyter==1.0.0
- jupyter-client==5.0.1
I recommend using at least these versions of the required libraries or later. Python 2 is not supported.
- Some of the material used, especially the code for submitting assignments for grading is based on
's python implementation of the assignments.