- 分类任务
- 语义分割任务
- 目标检测
- 其它类型任务和输出层 - Beta
V0.2 适配非Linear输出层的网络结构,并支持多层使用RIFLE策略!
pip install paddle-rifle
pip install paddle-rifle -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
class RIFLECallback(layers, re_init_epoch, max_re_num)
Callback API 适用于PaddlePaddle 高阶API
:param layers: 需要进行RIFLE的Layer或需要RIFLE的Layers列表
:param re_init_epoch: 经历多少EPOCH后重新初始化输出层
:param max_re_num: Layer最大重置次数
:param weight_initializer: 权重默认初始化方案(:param weight_initializer: 权重默认初始化方案(若为None则为原始权重,可为paddle.nn.initializer.XavierNormal()))
class RIFLE(layers, re_init_epoch: int = 5, max_re_num: int = 3)
常规组网API 适用于PaddlePaddle常规训练方式
:param layers: 需要重置的Layer 或 Layer列表
:param re_init_epoch: 经历多少EPOCH后重新初始化输出层
:param max_re_num: Layer最大重置次数
:param weight_initializer: 权重默认初始化方案(:param weight_initializer: 权重默认初始化方案(若为None则为原始权重,可为paddle.nn.initializer.XavierNormal()))
from paddle_rifle.rifle import RIFLECallback
class YourModel:
def __init__(self):
super(LeNet, self).__init__():
# 定义输出层
self.out_layer = paddle.nn.Linear(...)
# 实例化YourModel
model = paddle.Model(YourModel())
out_layer = model.out_layer
rifle_callback = RIFLECallback(layers=out_layer, re_init_epoch=5)
# 使用Hapi进行训练
model.fit(..., callbacks=[rifle_callback])
from paddle_rifle.rifle import RIFLE
class YourModel:
def __init__(self):
super(LeNet, self).__init__():
# 定义输出层
self.out_layer = paddle.nn.Linear(...)
# 实例化YourModel
model = YourModel()
# 实例化RIFLE策略
rifle = RIFLE(layers=model.out_layer, re_init_epoch=5)
# 开始训练
for current_epoch in range(EPOCH_NUM):
for data in data_loader():
# 加入RIFLE策略
使用PaddlePaddle默认划分的CIFAR100交叉验证集中Acc Top1的表现:
[ICML'20] Xingjian Li*, Haoyi Xiong*, Haozhe An, Dejing Dou, and Cheng-Zhong Xu. RIFLE: Backpropagation in Depth for Deep Transfer Learning through Re-Initializing the Fully-connected LayEr. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML’20), Vienna, Austria, 2020.
Fine-tuning the deep convolution neural network(CNN) using a pre–trained model helps transfer knowledge learned from larger datasets to the target task. While the accuracy could be largely improved even when the training dataset is small, the transfer learning outcome is usually constrained by the pre-trained model with close CNN weights (Liu et al., 2019), as the backpropagation here brings smaller updates to deeper CNN layers. In this work, we propose RIFLE– a simple yet effective strategy that deepens backpropagation in transfer learning settings, through periodically Re-Initializing the Fully connected LayEr with random scratch during the fine-tuning procedure. RIFLE brings meaningful updates to the weights of deep CNN layers and improves low-level feature learning, while the effects of randomization can be easily converged throughout the overall learning procedure. The experiments show that the use of RIFLE significantly improves deep transfer learning accuracy on a wide range of datasets, outperforming known tricks for the similar purpose, such as Dropout, DropConnect, Stochastic Depth, Disturb Label and Cyclic Learning Rate, under the same settings with 0.5%–2% higher testing accuracy. Empirical cases and ablation studies further indicate RIFLE brings meaningful updates to deep CNN layers with accuracy improved.
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