Specialization in Python (with flask towards Data Science)
Instructor Mr. Vimal Daga Sir || IIEC - RISE || Google Drive (screen shots) || Telegram (updates) || Discord (doubts)
Anaconda | windows | mac os | linux | other
Note: To have clear track, created different readme files for each week. This main readme file holds/ acts as a INDEX to other files
Note: This links direct you to complete week description readme's, here it has( links | sources | QA | solutions | code snippets)
Complete details of Projects and its explaination will be available here.
- 1. Basic linux commands
- 2. Basic commands, Virtual box setup, Redhat 8 installation
- 3. Basic linux networking Unique tip about IP address
- 4. Linux n'Python basic
- 5. Remote login - ssh Putty
- 6. Configure webserver
Note: haven't installed rhel yet check detailed steps
1. WEEK | Introduction
2. WEEK | Menu-Driven program basics
Check-out my code here..
Note: Complete the Menu-Driven program (deadline 20 august 6 PM) | submission
3. WEEK | CGI and API
4. WEEK | CGI and API
5. WEEK | CGI and API
0. DOCKER | Basics of Docker
6. WEEK | CGI and API
7. WEEK | CGI and API
8. WEEK (no class)
Check-out my code here..
Note: Implement the Menu-Driven program as CGI (deadline 29 sept 10 PM) | submission
9. WEEK | CGI and API
Note: 13th day session was suspended.