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Pretrained Models
Zirui Wang and Victor Adrian Prisacariu. Active Vision Lab, University of Oxford. BMVC 2020 (Oral Presentation).
Update: We use our university's OneDrive to store our pretrained models and the preprocessed dataset. The university just changed the access policy and this stops us sharing our data through a public link so the data and pretrained links above are broken. The easiest fix for now is you can send your email address to ryan[AT] and I'll share it through email. We will try to find out a way to share it with a link properly later.
Python == 3.7
PyTorch >= 1.1.0
CUDA >= 9.0
h5py == 2.10
We tried PyTorch 1.1/1.3/1.4/1.5 and CUDA 9.0/9.2/10.0/10.1/10.2. So the code should be able to run as long as you have a modern PyTorch and CUDA installed.
Setup env:
conda create -n ninormal python=3.7
conda activate ninormal
conda install pytorch=1.1.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch # you can change the pytorch and cuda version here.
conda install tqdm future
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn
pip install h5py==2.10
pip install tensorflow # this is the cpu version, we just need the tensorboard.
(Optional) Install open3d
for visualisation. You might need a physical monitor to install this lib.
conda install -c open3d-admin open3d
Clone this repo:
git clone /~
We use the PCPNet dataset in our paper. The official PCPNet dataset is available at here. We pre-processed the official PCPNet dataset using scikit-learn's KDTree and wrapped the processed knn point patches in h5 files. For the best training efficiency, we produce an h5 file for each K and each train/test/eval split.
To simply reproduce our paper results with k=20 or k=50, we provide a subset of our full pre-processed dataset here.
To fully reproduce our results from k=3 to k=50 (paper Fig. 2), the full pre-processed dataset is available here.
Untar the dataset.
tar -xvf path/to/the/tar.gz
We train all our models (except k=40 and k=50) using 3 Nvidia 1080Ti GPUs. For k=40 and k=50, we use 3 Nvidia Titan-RTX GPUs. All models are trained with batch size 6. To reproduce our paper results, set the --batchsize_train=6
and --batchsize_eval=6
. Reduce the batch size when out of memory.
Train with 20 neighbours:
python \
--datafolder='path/to/the/folder/contains/h5/files' \
--batchsize_train=6 \
Train with 50 neighbours:
python \
--datafolder='path/to/the/folder/contains/h5/files' \
--train_dataset_name='train_patchsize_2000_k_50.h5' \
--eval_dataset_name='eval_patchsize_2000_k_50.h5' \
--batchsize_train=6 \
Alternatively, you can create a symlink that points to the downloaded dataset:
cd NINormal # our repo
mkdir dataset_dir
cd dataset_dir
ln -s path/to/the/folder/contains/h5/files ./pcp_knn_patch_h5_files
and train with:
The batch size 6 is the batch size that the Conv2D()
function processes. Our network can be implemented using the Conv1D()
or Linear()
but we use the 1x1 Conv2D()
along with our pre-processed dataset to achieve the best balance between data loading and training. When setting the batch size to 6, the actual batch size our network processes is 6 x 2000 = 12000, as mentioned at the end of Sec. 3 in our paper. The number 2000 is the number of knn patches we packed in a subgroup in an h5 file. See the pre-processing script in ./utils
and the PcpKnnPatchesDataset
for more details.
Similar to the dataset, we provide a tar file that contains models trained with k=20 and k=50 here.
To evaluate all models that we present in Fig.2 (k=3 to k=50), download all models here.
Untar the downloaded checkpoints file.
tar -xvf path/to/the/ckpts/tar.gz
IMPORTANT NOTE: The k for trained checkpoints and the k for a dataset must match. E.g. Use the nb20 ckpt with the nb20 dataset:
python \
--ckpt_path='/path/to/the/ckpts/nb_20' \
Like the dataset, you can also do a symlink that points to the downloaded checkpoint folder:
cd NINormal # our repo
ln -s path/to/the/folder/just/extracted ./paper_ckpts
and run test with just:
We recommend visualising attention weights using k=50 (with the model trained with k=50 of course...) to see how our network pays extra attention to the boundary of a patch.
Install the opend3d lib. You might need a PC with a physical monitor to install this library...
conda install -c open3d-admin open3d
Similar to the testing procedure, after got datasets, run:
python --ckpt_path='/path/to/the/ckpts/nb_50'
We aim to release it soon.
The authors would like to thank Min Chen, Tengda Han, Shuda Li, Tim Yuqing Tang and Shangzhe Wu for insightful discussions and proofreading.
title={Neighbourhood-Insensitive Point Cloud Normal Estimation Network},
author={Wang, Zirui and Prisacariu, Victor Adrian},