This repository contains various data structures implementations and examples in C++. It's a resource to help you understand and practice data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, and graphs. Each data structure is presented with code examples .
This section includes implementations of a basic singly linked list data structure along with examples of how to use it. Key functions to include:
struct/class: To represent the elements of the list.LinkedList
class: Contains functions likeinsert
, anddisplay
Here, you'll find an implementation of a doubly linked list, a more advanced version of the linked list with bidirectional traversal. Functions to add:
struct/class: Similar to the linked list but with two pointers (next and previous).DoubleLinkedList
class: Functions for insertion, deletion, traversal in both directions, etc.
We provide two implementations of a stack data structure(LIFO), one using arrays and the other using a linked list. Examples include balancing parentheses, infix to postfix conversion, and expression evaluation using postfix and prefix notations.
Stack (Array Implementation):
class with functions likepush
, andisFull
Stack (Linked List Implementation):
struct/class for the stack elements.Stack
class with functions likepush
This section covers three types of queues: a simple queue using an array, a circular queue using an array, and a queue using a linked list. Queues are essential for managing data in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order.Functions to add:
Queue (Array Implementation):
class with functions forenqueue
, andisFull
Circular Queue (Array Implementation):
- Similar to the regular queue but with modifications to handle circularity.
Queue (Linked List Implementation):
struct/class for queue elements.Queue
class with functions forenqueue
In this part, you'll find an implementation of a binary tree. We also include examples of binary search trees and AVL trees (height-balanced binary search trees). Functions to include:
struct/class to represent the tree nodes.BinaryTree
class with functions forinsertion
(inorder, preorder, postorder),level order,githight
Binary Search Tree (BST):
- Inherits or uses
class but enforces the BST property withinsert
, andsearch
,fin min
find max
AVL Tree (Height-Balanced Tree):
- Inherits or uses the BST class, but includes balancing functions (rotation) and maintains the AVL property.
This section focuses on graph representation in memory and includes implementations of two common graph traversal algorithms:
Graph Representation:
- Classes to represent a graph using adjacency lists or adjacency matrices.
Breadth-First Search (BFS):
- Function that takes a graph and a starting node, and returns the BFS traversal order.
Depth-First Search (DFS):
- Recursive function to perform DFS on a graph starting from a given node along a branch before backtracking..
Each data structure is organized into its respective folder within the repository. You can explore the code, understand the implementation, and see examples of how to use them.
If you'd like to contribute to this repository by adding more data structures, improving existing code, or providing additional examples, please feel free to create a pull request.