An Operating systems scheduler
- A CPU scheduler determines an order for the execution of its scheduled processes.
- Computer with 1-CPU and infnite memory. It is required to make a scheduler with its complementary components as sketched in the following diagrams.
- Read the processes to schedule from input file
- Ask the user for the chosen scheduling algorithm (and its parameters in case of Round Robin (RR) which is the quantum)
- Initiate and create the scheduler and clock processes.
- Send process information to the scheduler when it arrives
- The clock module is used to emulate an integer time clock.
It keeps track of the processes and their states and it decides - based on the used algorithm - which process will run and for how long.
Algorithms used: -
- Non-preemptive Highest Priority First (HPF).
- Shortest Remaining time Next (SRTN).
- Round Robin (RR).
- Each process should act as if it is CPU-bound.
- Input File
- Output File
- Record state of processes : started, resumed, stopped, finished.
- TA (Turnaround time) & WTA(Weighted turnaround time) are written only at finished state.
- Scheduler.pref
- CPU utilization
- Average turnaround time
- Average weighted turnaround time
- Standard deviation of weighted turnaround time
- Scheduler is modified to include memory allocation capabilities using the buddy memory allocation system. It should allocate memory space for processes as they enter the system and free it as they leave so that it can be re-used by later processes.
- The total memory size is 1024 bytes.
- Platform: Linux
- Language: C
git clone /~
- Direct to the folder of phase1 ot phase2
- Open terminal
- Build project using
- Or build it using
make build
- Generate test cases
- Enter number of processes to be generated
- Run it using
make run
Select algorithm
1 for Non-preemptive Highest Priority First (HPF).
2 for Shortest Remaining time Next (SRTN)
3 for Round Robin (RR).
In case of round robin enter the quantum
Abdelrahman Hamza |
Beshoy Morad |
Zeyad Tarek |
Ziad Sherif |
This project is licensed under the [MIT] License - see the file for details