A control and communication library for LXI-based instruments.
- Description
- Issues
- Supported .Net Releases
- Source Code
- Facilitated By
- Repository Owner
- Authors
- Acknowledgments
- Open Source
- Closed Software
- Legal Notices
ISR's VXI11 is a fork of VXI11.CSharp, which uses GB1.RemoteTea.Net, which is a pure C# implementation of ONC/RPC. RemoteTea.Net is a port of the pure Java RemoteTea package.
The following items has yet to be implemented:
- Device Clear;
- read Service Request register;
- Enable and register service call backs.
Clone the repository along with its requisite repositories to their respective relative path.
The repositories listed in external repositories are required:
- IDE Repository - IDE support files.
git clone git@bitbucket.org:davidhary/vs.ide.git
git clone /~https://github.com/ATECoder/dn.vxi11.git
Clone the repositories into the following folders (parents of the .git folder):
where %dnlib% and %vslib% are the root folders of the .NET libraries, e.g., %my%\lib\vs and %my%\libraries\vs, respectively, and %my% is the root folder of the .NET solutions
ISR libraries use a global editor configuration file and a global test Runs settings file. These files can be found in the IDE Repository.
Restoring Editor Configuration:
xcopy /Y %my%\.editorconfig %my%\.editorconfig.bak
xcopy /Y %vslib%\core\ide\code\.editorconfig %my%\.editorconfig
Restoring Runs Settings:
xcopy /Y %userprofile%\.runsettings %userprofile%\.runsettings.bak
xcopy /Y %vslib%\core\ide\code\.runsettings %userprofile%\.runsettings
where %userprofile% is the root user folder.
- Visual Studio
- Atomineer Code Documentation
- EW Software Spell Checker
- Funduc Search and Replace
- IVI Foundation - IVI Foundation VISA
- Its all a remix -- we are but a spec on the shoulders of giants
- John Simmons - outlaw programmer
- Stack overflow - Joel Spolsky
- .Net Foundation - The .NET Foundation
Open source used by this software is described and licensed at the following sites:
Closed software used by this software are described and licensed on the following sites:
Integrated Scientific Resources, Inc., and any contributors grant you a license to the documentation and other content in this repository under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License, see the LICENSE file, and grant you a license to any code in the repository under the MIT License, see the LICENSE-CODE file.
Integrated Scientific Resources, Inc., and/or other Integrated Scientific Resources, Inc., products and services referenced in the documentation may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Integrated Scientific Resources, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. The licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Integrated Scientific Resources, Inc., names, logos, or trademarks.
Integrated Scientific Resources, Inc., and any contributors reserve all other rights, whether under their respective copyrights, patents, or trademarks, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise.