Lowes India
- Bangalore, India
- https://medium.com/@nimjea
- @anand8402
RetailApp Public
RetailApp is an iOS shopping app built with Swift, SwiftUI, and Combine, demonstrating modern architecture patterns like Dependency Injection and MVVM. It allows users to browse products, view deta…
AppUnitTest Public
AppUnitTest is a Swift project demonstrating unit testing for iOS applications using XCTest.
InfiniteSwiftUIScrollExample Public
Example for Infinite scroll view in SwiftUI with Async Image loading.
ANLoader Public archive
Create Swift loader in a single line with beautiful animation. 🏵
SwiftUI-MapView Public
MapView in SwiftUI.
OlaApp-Task Public
This is basic example for the car booking app with custom map pin points.
Demo-AR-Planet Public
This is the simple AR example for Planet.
SwiftUI-BasicListView Public
This is the basic exmple for the ListView in SwiftUI.
Flickr-Search Public
Flicker-Search with endless scrolling.
ANCustomView Public
Blog for @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable in Swift for make Custom View.
Swift-Extension Public
Swift-Extension Files for easy to use in Swift 4.0 version. Need to download file and drag and drop in your Xcode Project.
CustomLabel Public
Blog for Custom UILabel Effects.
Delegation-Example Public
This is basic Delegation pattern Example.
Swift MIT License UpdatedOct 5, 2018 -
Demo-Multiline-tableView Public
Multi line table view with Details. Code in Swift 3.0.
Swift MIT License UpdatedMar 18, 2017 -
WeatherAppDemo Public
A simple weather demo source code in Swift 2.2 language.
DemoShoppingApp Public
This demo for save local data and download async image from link.
2 UpdatedSep 12, 2016