This repository contains the data and Stata programs (version 14) required to replicate the tables and figures in Michler et al. (2019) as well as the associated appendices. The programs generate all summary tables and figures. In order to construct the final regression tables, some manual editing (and copying/pasting across files) is required, so we do not reproduce them here. However, all relevant numbers are in the regression output generated by the programs files listed below.
The files are as follows:
replicates the all tables and graphics in the paper.Michler_et_al_JEEM_data.dta
cleaned data used in the analysis.
Michler, J.D., Baylis, K., Arends-Kuenning, M., and Mazvimavi, K. (2019). "Conservation Agriculture and Climate Resilience." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 93: 148-69.