- open mujoco and load talos:
roslaunch talos_horizon talos_simulator.launch
- load xbot config file:
roscd talos_cartesio_config/mujoco/xbot2 set_xbot2_config talos.yaml
- start xbot2:
- move the robot in the homig configuration and set the sim time as the default one:
rosservice call /xbotcore/homing/switch "data: true" rosparam set /use_sim_time true
- start the controller:
NB: if you don't have a joystick plugged you can run the controller with the argument
roslaunch talos_horizon talos_controller xbot:=true
and move the robot around using the ros services/topics:# set velocity reference rostopic pub /horizon/base_velocity/reference geometry_msgs/Twist "linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0" # start/stop walking rosservice call /horizon/walk/switch "data: true/false"
After initialized the robot and set up the ros communication with the ros master running on the robot, simply run the controller:
roslaunch talos_horizon talos_controller.launch talos:=true
Follow steps above if you do not have a joystick plugged