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Finished example of flaoting-base inverse dynamics using python bindings
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EnricoMingo committed May 20, 2024
1 parent 97784af commit 49f6c23
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134 changes: 129 additions & 5 deletions bindings/python/examples/
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import rospkg
from xbot2_interface import pyxbot2_interface as xbi
from pyopensot.tasks.velocity import Postural, Cartesian, Manipulability, MinimumEffort
from pyopensot.constraints.velocity import JointLimits, VelocityLimits
from pyopensot.tasks.acceleration import Cartesian, CoM, DynamicFeasibility
from pyopensot.constraints.acceleration import JointLimits, VelocityLimits
from pyopensot.constraints.force import FrictionCone
import pyopensot as pysot
import numpy as np
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped, WrenchStamped
import tf
import subprocess

# Check for franka_cartesio_condif package
package_path = rospkg.RosPack().get_path('LittleDog')
print("To run this example is needed the anymal_c_simple_description package that can be download here: /~")
print("To run this example is needed the anymal_c_simple_description package that can be download here: /~")

launch_path = package_path + "/launch/LittleDog.launch"
roslaunch = subprocess.Popen(['roslaunch', launch_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
#rviz_file_path = os.getcwd() + "/panda_ik.rviz"
#rviz = subprocess.Popen(['rviz', '-d', f'{rviz_file_path}'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
rviz_file_path = os.getcwd() + "/LittleDog_id.rviz"
rviz = subprocess.Popen(['rviz', '-d', f'{rviz_file_path}'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)

# Initiliaze node and wait for robot_description parameter
rospy.init_node("LittleDog_id", disable_signals=True)
Expand All @@ -30,5 +33,126 @@
# Get robot description parameter and initialize model interface (with Pinocchio)
urdf = rospy.get_param('/robot_description')
model = xbi.ModelInterface2(urdf)
qmin, qmax = model.getJointLimits()
dqmax = model.getVelocityLimits()
q = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
0., -0.7, 1.4, 0., -0.7, 1.4, 0., 0.7, -1.4, 0., 0.7, -1.4]
dq = np.zeros(model.nv)

dt = 1./1000.

# Instantiate Variables: qddot and contact forces (3 per contact)
contact_frames = ["front_left_foot_center", "front_right_foot_center", "back_left_foot_center", "back_right_foot_center"]
variables_vec = dict()
variables_vec["qddot"] = model.nv
for contact_frame in contact_frames:
variables_vec[contact_frame] = 3
variables = pysot.OptvarHelper(variables_vec)

# Creates tasks cand constraints
com = CoM(model, variables.getVariable("qddot"))
com_ref, vel_ref, acc_ref = com.getReference()
com0 = com_ref.copy()

base = Cartesian("base", model, "world", "body", variables.getVariable("qddot"))

contact_tasks = list()
for contact_frame in contact_frames:
contact_tasks.append(Cartesian(contact_frame + "_kin", model, contact_frame, "world", variables.getVariable("qddot")))

stack = 0.1*com + 0.1*(base%[3, 4, 5])
force_variables = list()
for i in range(len(contact_frames)):
stack = stack + 10.*(contact_tasks[i]%[0, 1, 2])

# Creates the stack.
# Notice: we do not need to keep track of the DynamicFeasibility constraint so it is created when added into the stack.
# The same can be done with other constraints such as Joint Limits and Velocity Limits
stack = pysot.AutoStack(stack) << DynamicFeasibility("floating_base_dynamics", model, variables.getVariable("qddot"), force_variables, contact_frames)
stack = stack << JointLimits(model, variables.getVariable("qddot"), qmax, qmin, 10.*dqmax, dt)
stack = stack << VelocityLimits(model, variables.getVariable("qddot"), dqmax, dt)
for i in range(len(contact_frames)):
T = model.getPose(contact_frames[i])
mu = (T.linear, 0.8) # rotation is world to contact
stack = stack << FrictionCone(contact_frames[i], variables.getVariable(contact_frames[i]), model, mu)

# Creates the solver
solver = pysot.iHQP(stack)

# ID loop: we publish also joint position, floating-base pose and contact forces
rate = rospy.Rate(1./dt)
pub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState, queue_size=10)
msg = JointState() = model.getJointNames()[1::]
br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
w_T_b = TransformStamped()
w_T_b.header.frame_id = "world"
w_T_b.child_frame_id = "body"
force_msg = list()
fpubs = list()
for contact_frame in contact_frames:
force_msg[-1].header.frame_id = contact_frame
force_msg[-1].wrench.torque.x = force_msg[-1].wrench.torque.y = force_msg[-1].wrench.torque.z = 0.
fpubs.append(rospy.Publisher(contact_frame, WrenchStamped, queue_size=10))

t = 0.
alpha = 0.05
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# Update actual position in the model

# Compute new reference for CoM task
com_ref[2] = com0[2] + alpha * np.sin(3.1415 * t)
com_ref[1] = com0[1] + alpha * np.cos(3.1415 * t)
t = t + dt

# Update Stack

# Solve
x = solver.solve()
ddq = variables.getVariable("qddot").getValue(x) # from variables vector we retrieve the joint accelerations
q = model.sum(q, dq*dt + 0.5 * ddq * dt * dt) # we use the model sum to account for the floating-base
dq += ddq*dt

# Publish joint states
msg.position = q[7::]
msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()

w_T_b.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
w_T_b.transform.translation.x = q[0]
w_T_b.transform.translation.y = q[1]
w_T_b.transform.translation.z = q[2]
w_T_b.transform.rotation.x = q[3]
w_T_b.transform.rotation.y = q[4]
w_T_b.transform.rotation.z = q[5]
w_T_b.transform.rotation.w = q[6]

for i in range(len(contact_frames)):
T = model.getPose(contact_frames[i])
force_msg[i].header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
f_local = T.linear.transpose() @ variables.getVariable(contact_frames[i]).getValue(x) # here we compute the value of the contact forces in local frame from world frame
force_msg[i].wrench.force.x = f_local[0]
force_msg[i].wrench.force.y = f_local[1]
force_msg[i].wrench.force.z = f_local[2]




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