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Alternative to using a 0-depth watch confirmed
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Instead of using a watch with minDepth=0, we can directly skip the
wait_for_funding_confirmed state when using 0-conf, which is less hacky.
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t-bast committed Jun 13, 2022
1 parent cfd6514 commit 869175b
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Showing 10 changed files with 137 additions and 165 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -20,18 +20,17 @@ import
import{ActorContext, Behaviors, TimerScheduler}
import{ActorRef, Behavior, SupervisorStrategy}
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat._
import fr.acinq.eclair.RealShortChannelId
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.Monitoring.Metrics
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.BitcoinCoreClient
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.watchdogs.BlockchainWatchdog
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.protocol.ChannelAnnouncement
import fr.acinq.eclair.{BlockHeight, KamonExt, NodeParams, ShortChannelId, TimestampSecond}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{BlockHeight, KamonExt, NodeParams, RealShortChannelId, TimestampSecond}

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Random, Success}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

* Created by PM on 21/02/2016.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,11 +236,6 @@ private class ZmqWatcher(nodeParams: NodeParams, blockHeight: AtomicLong, client
case _: WatchConfirmed[_] => // nothing to do
case _: WatchFundingLost => // nothing to do
.collect {
case w: WatchFundingConfirmed if w.minDepth == 0 && w.txId == tx.txid =>

case ProcessNewBlock(blockHash) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,21 +406,13 @@ private class ZmqWatcher(nodeParams: NodeParams, blockHeight: AtomicLong, client
client.getTxConfirmations(w.txId).flatMap {
case Some(confirmations) if confirmations >= w.minDepth =>
client.getTransaction(w.txId).flatMap { tx =>
w match {
case w: WatchFundingConfirmed if confirmations == 0 =>
// if the tx doesn't have confirmations but we don't require any, we reply with a fake block index
// otherwise, we get the real short id
context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingConfirmedTriggered(BlockHeight(0), 0, tx))
Future.successful((): Unit)
case _ =>
client.getTransactionShortId(w.txId).map {
case (height, index) => w match {
case w: WatchFundingConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchFundingDeeplyBuried => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingDeeplyBuriedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchParentTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchParentTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
client.getTransactionShortId(w.txId).map {
case (height, index) => w match {
case w: WatchFundingConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchFundingDeeplyBuried => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchFundingDeeplyBuriedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case w: WatchParentTxConfirmed => context.self ! TriggerEvent(w.replyTo, w, WatchParentTxConfirmedTriggered(height, index, tx))
case _ => Future.successful((): Unit)
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions eclair-core/src/main/scala/fr/acinq/eclair/channel/Helpers.scala
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Expand Up @@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ object Helpers {
* wait for one conf, except if the channel has the zero-conf feature (because presumably the peer will send an
* alias in that case).
def minDepthFunder(channelFeatures: ChannelFeatures): Long = {
def minDepthFunder(channelFeatures: ChannelFeatures): Option[Long] = {
if (channelFeatures.hasFeature(Features.ZeroConf)) {
} else {

Expand All @@ -306,14 +306,14 @@ object Helpers {
* @param fundingSatoshis funding amount of the channel
* @return number of confirmations needed
def minDepthFundee(channelConf: ChannelConf, channelFeatures: ChannelFeatures, fundingSatoshis: Satoshi): Long = fundingSatoshis match {
case _ if channelFeatures.hasFeature(Features.ZeroConf) => 0 // zero-conf stay zero-conf, whatever the funding amount is
case funding if funding <= Channel.MAX_FUNDING => channelConf.minDepthBlocks
def minDepthFundee(channelConf: ChannelConf, channelFeatures: ChannelFeatures, fundingSatoshis: Satoshi): Option[Long] = fundingSatoshis match {
case _ if channelFeatures.hasFeature(Features.ZeroConf) => None // zero-conf stay zero-conf, whatever the funding amount is
case funding if funding <= Channel.MAX_FUNDING => Some(channelConf.minDepthBlocks)
case funding =>
val blockReward = 6.25 // this is true as of ~May 2020, but will be too large after 2024
val scalingFactor = 15
val blocksToReachFunding = (((scalingFactor * funding.toBtc.toDouble) / blockReward).ceil + 1).toInt

def makeFundingInputInfo(fundingTxId: ByteVector32, fundingTxOutputIndex: Int, fundingSatoshis: Satoshi, fundingPubkey1: PublicKey, fundingPubkey2: PublicKey): InputInfo = {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -615,30 +615,31 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder, val

case Event(WatchFundingDeeplyBuriedTriggered(blockHeight, txIndex, fundingTx), d: DATA_NORMAL) if d.channelAnnouncement.isEmpty =>
val finalRealShortId = RealScidStatus.Final(RealShortChannelId(blockHeight, txIndex, d.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt))
val shortIds1 = d.shortIds.copy(real = finalRealShortId)"funding tx is deeply buried at blockHeight=$blockHeight txIndex=$txIndex shortChannelId=${finalRealShortId.realScid}")
val shortIds1 = d.shortIds.copy(real = finalRealShortId)
context.system.eventStream.publish(ShortChannelIdAssigned(self, d.channelId, shortIds1, remoteNodeId))
if (d.shortIds.real == RealScidStatus.Unknown) {
// this is a zero-conf channel and it is the first time we know for sure that the funding tx has been confirmed
context.system.eventStream.publish(TransactionConfirmed(d.channelId, remoteNodeId, fundingTx))
if (!d.shortIds.real.toOption.contains(finalRealShortId.realScid)) {"setting final real scid: old=${d.shortIds.real} new=${finalRealShortId}")
// we announce the new shortChannelId
context.system.eventStream.publish(ShortChannelIdAssigned(self, d.channelId, shortIds1, remoteNodeId))
val scidForChannelUpdate = Helpers.scidForChannelUpdate(d.channelAnnouncement, shortIds1)
// if the shortChannelId is different from the one we had before, we need to re-announce it
val channelUpdate1 = if (d.channelUpdate.shortChannelId != scidForChannelUpdate) {"using new scid in channel_update: old=${d.channelUpdate.shortChannelId} new=$scidForChannelUpdate")
// we re-announce the channelUpdate for the same reason
Announcements.makeChannelUpdate(nodeParams.chainHash, nodeParams.privateKey, remoteNodeId, scidForChannelUpdate, d.channelUpdate.cltvExpiryDelta, d.channelUpdate.htlcMinimumMsat, d.channelUpdate.feeBaseMsat, d.channelUpdate.feeProportionalMillionths, d.commitments.capacity.toMilliSatoshi, enable = Helpers.aboveReserve(d.commitments))
} else d.channelUpdate
val localAnnSigs_opt = if (d.commitments.announceChannel) {
} else {
if (d.commitments.announceChannel) {
// if channel is public we need to send our announcement_signatures in order to generate the channel_announcement
Some(Helpers.makeAnnouncementSignatures(nodeParams, d.commitments, finalRealShortId.realScid))
} else None
// we use goto() instead of stay() because we want to fire transitions
goto(NORMAL) using d.copy(shortIds = shortIds1, channelUpdate = channelUpdate1) storing() sending localAnnSigs_opt.toSeq
val localAnnSigs = Helpers.makeAnnouncementSignatures(nodeParams, d.commitments, finalRealShortId.realScid)
// we use goto() instead of stay() because we want to fire transitions
goto(NORMAL) using d.copy(shortIds = shortIds1, channelUpdate = channelUpdate1) storing() sending localAnnSigs
} else {
// we use goto() instead of stay() because we want to fire transitions
goto(NORMAL) using d.copy(shortIds = shortIds1, channelUpdate = channelUpdate1) storing()

case Event(remoteAnnSigs: AnnouncementSignatures, d: DATA_NORMAL) if d.commitments.announceChannel =>
// channels are publicly announced if both parties want it (defined as feature bit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1326,7 +1327,8 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder, val
Helpers.Funding.minDepthFundee(nodeParams.channelConf, d.commitments.channelFeatures, d.commitments.commitInput.txOut.amount)
// we put back the watch (operation is idempotent) because the event may have been fired while we were in OFFLINE
blockchain ! WatchFundingConfirmed(self, d.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, minDepth)
require(minDepth.nonEmpty, "min_depth must be set since we're waiting for the funding tx to confirm")
blockchain ! WatchFundingConfirmed(self, d.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, minDepth.get)

case Event(_: ChannelReestablish, d: DATA_WAIT_FOR_CHANNEL_READY) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1618,6 +1620,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder, val
// We only send the channel_update directly to the peer if we are connected AND the channel hasn't been announced
val emitEvent_opt: Option[EmitLocalChannelEvent] = (state, nextState, stateData, nextStateData) match {
case (WAIT_FOR_INIT_INTERNAL, OFFLINE, _, d: DATA_NORMAL) => Some(EmitLocalChannelUpdate("restore", d, sendToPeer = false))
case (WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED, NORMAL, _, d: DATA_NORMAL) => Some(EmitLocalChannelUpdate("initial", d, sendToPeer = true))
case (WAIT_FOR_CHANNEL_READY, NORMAL, _, d: DATA_NORMAL) => Some(EmitLocalChannelUpdate("initial", d, sendToPeer = true))
case (NORMAL, NORMAL, d1: DATA_NORMAL, d2: DATA_NORMAL) if d1.channelUpdate != d2.channelUpdate || d1.channelAnnouncement != d2.channelAnnouncement => Some(EmitLocalChannelUpdate("normal->normal", d2, sendToPeer = d2.channelAnnouncement.isEmpty))
case (SYNCING, NORMAL, d1: DATA_NORMAL, d2: DATA_NORMAL) if d1.channelUpdate != d2.channelUpdate || d1.channelAnnouncement != d2.channelAnnouncement => Some(EmitLocalChannelUpdate("syncing->normal", d2, sendToPeer = d2.channelAnnouncement.isEmpty))
Expand All @@ -1628,7 +1631,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder, val
emitEvent_opt.foreach {
case EmitLocalChannelUpdate(reason, d, sendToPeer) =>"emitting channel update event: reason=$reason enabled=${d.channelUpdate.channelFlags.isEnabled} sendToPeer=${sendToPeer} realScid=${d.shortIds.real} channel_update={} channel_announcement={}", d.channelUpdate, => "yes").getOrElse("no"))"emitting channel update event: reason=$reason enabled=${d.channelUpdate.channelFlags.isEnabled} sendToPeer=$sendToPeer realScid=${d.shortIds.real} channel_update={} channel_announcement={}", d.channelUpdate, => "yes").getOrElse("no"))
val lcu = LocalChannelUpdate(self, d.channelId, d.shortIds, d.commitments.remoteParams.nodeId, d.channelAnnouncement, d.channelUpdate, d.commitments)
if (sendToPeer) {
Expand All @@ -1644,7 +1647,8 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder, val
(stateData, nextStateData) match {
case (d1: DATA_NORMAL, d2: DATA_NORMAL) => maybeEmitChannelUpdateChangedEvent(newUpdate = d2.channelUpdate, oldUpdate_opt = Some(d1.channelUpdate), d2)
case (_: DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED, d2: DATA_NORMAL) => maybeEmitChannelUpdateChangedEvent(newUpdate = d2.channelUpdate, oldUpdate_opt = None, d2)
case (_: DATA_WAIT_FOR_CHANNEL_READY, d2: DATA_NORMAL) => maybeEmitChannelUpdateChangedEvent(newUpdate = d2.channelUpdate, oldUpdate_opt = None, d2)
case _ => ()
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