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Update htlc tx weight ratio formula
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t-bast committed Feb 24, 2021
1 parent a0d48a8 commit 378108a
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Expand Up @@ -285,6 +285,9 @@ class ZmqWatcher(chainHash: ByteVector32, blockCount: AtomicLong, client: Extend

* Publish the commit tx, and optionally an anchor tx that spends from the commit tx and helps get it confirmed with CPFP.
def publishCommitWithAnchor(commitTx: Transaction, currentFeerate: FeeratePerKw, targetFeerate: FeeratePerKw, dustLimit: Satoshi, signingKit: TransactionSigningKit.ClaimAnchorOutputSigningKit): Future[ByteVector32] = {
import signingKit._
if (targetFeerate <= currentFeerate) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,6 +342,9 @@ class ZmqWatcher(chainHash: ByteVector32, blockCount: AtomicLong, client: Extend

* Publish an htlc tx, and optionally RBF it before by adding new inputs/outputs to help get it confirmed.
def publishHtlcTx(currentFeerate: FeeratePerKw, targetFeerate: FeeratePerKw, dustLimit: Satoshi, signingKit: TransactionSigningKit.HtlcTxSigningKit): Future[ByteVector32] = {
import signingKit._
if (targetFeerate <= currentFeerate) {
Expand All @@ -348,16 +354,28 @@ class ZmqWatcher(chainHash: ByteVector32, blockCount: AtomicLong, client: Extend
} else {"publishing htlc tx with additional inputs: commit input={}:{} target feerate={}", txWithInput.input.outPoint.txid, txWithInput.input.outPoint.index, targetFeerate)
// NB: fundrawtransaction doesn't support non-wallet inputs, so we clear the input and re-add it later.
val txNotFunded = txWithInput.tx.copy(txIn = Nil, txOut = txWithInput.tx.txOut.head.copy(amount = dustLimit) :: Nil)
val htlcTxWeight = signingKit match {
case _: TransactionSigningKit.HtlcSuccessSigningKit => commitmentFormat.htlcSuccessWeight
case _: TransactionSigningKit.HtlcTimeoutSigningKit => commitmentFormat.htlcTimeoutWeight
// NB: bitcoind will add at least one P2WPKH input.
val weightRatio = htlcTxWeight.toDouble / (txNotFunded.weight() + Transactions.claimP2WPKHOutputWeight)
// We want the feerate of our final HTLC tx to equal targetFeerate. However, we removed the HTLC input from what we
// send to fundrawtransaction, so bitcoind will not know the total weight of the final tx. In order to make up for
// this difference, we need to tell bitcoind to target a higher feerate that takes into account the weight of the
// input we removed.
// That feerate will satisfy the following equality:
// feerate * weight_seen_by_bitcoind = target_feerate * (weight_seen_by_bitcoind + htlc_input_weight)
// So: feerate = target_feerate * (1 + htlc_input_weight / weight_seen_by_bitcoind)
// Because bitcoind will add at least one P2WPKH input, weight_seen_by_bitcoind >= htlc_tx_weight + p2wpkh_weight
// Thus: feerate <= target_feerate * (1 + htlc_input_weight / (htlc_tx_weight + p2wpkh_weight))
// NB: we don't take into account the fee paid by our HTLC input: we will take it into account when we adjust the
// change output amount (unless bitcoind didn't add any change output, in that case we will overpay the fee slightly).
val weightRatio = 1.0 + (Transactions.htlcInputMaxWeight.toDouble / (htlcTxWeight + Transactions.claimP2WPKHOutputWeight))
client.fundTransaction(txNotFunded, FundTransactionOptions(targetFeerate * weightRatio, lockUtxos = true, changePosition = Some(1)))(singleThreadExecutionContext).map(fundTxResponse => {"added ${fundTxResponse.tx.txIn.length} wallet input(s) and ${fundTxResponse.tx.txOut.length - 1} wallet output(s) to htlc tx spending commit input=${txWithInput.input.outPoint.txid}:${txWithInput.input.outPoint.index}")
// We add the HTLC input (from the commit tx) and restore the HTLC output.
// NB: we can't modify them because they are signed by our peer (with SIGHASH_SINGLE | SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY).
val txWithHtlcInput = fundTxResponse.tx.copy(
txIn = txWithInput.tx.txIn ++ fundTxResponse.tx.txIn,
txOut = txWithInput.tx.txOut ++ fundTxResponse.tx.txOut.tail
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,7 +499,11 @@ object ZmqWatcher {

/** Adjust the amount of the change output of an anchor tx to match our target feerate. */
* Adjust the amount of the change output of an anchor tx to match our target feerate.
* We need this because fundrawtransaction doesn't allow us to leave non-wallet inputs, so we have to add them
* afterwards which may bring the resulting feerate below our target.
def adjustAnchorOutputChange(unsignedTx: Transactions.ClaimAnchorOutputTx, commitTx: Transaction, amountIn: Satoshi, currentFeerate: FeeratePerKw, targetFeerate: FeeratePerKw, dustLimit: Satoshi): Transactions.ClaimAnchorOutputTx = {
require(unsignedTx.tx.txOut.size == 1, "funded transaction should have a single change output")
// We take into account witness weight and adjust the fee to match our desired feerate.
Expand All @@ -502,7 +524,11 @@ object ZmqWatcher {

/** Adjust the change output of an htlc tx to match our target feerate. */
* Adjust the change output of an htlc tx to match our target feerate.
* We need this because fundrawtransaction doesn't allow us to leave non-wallet inputs, so we have to add them
* afterwards which may bring the resulting feerate below our target.
def adjustHtlcTxChange(unsignedTx: Transactions.HtlcTx, amountIn: Satoshi, targetFeerate: FeeratePerKw, dustLimit: Satoshi, signingKit: TransactionSigningKit.HtlcTxSigningKit): Transactions.HtlcTx = {
require(unsignedTx.tx.txOut.size <= 2, "funded transaction should have at most one change output")
val dummySignedTx = addHtlcTxSigs(unsignedTx, Transactions.PlaceHolderSig, signingKit)
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Expand Up @@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ object Transactions {
// and 1 output (change). If we're using P2WPKH wallet inputs/outputs with 72 bytes signatures, this results in a weight of 717.
// We round it down to 700 to allow for some error margin (e.g. signatures smaller than 72 bytes).
val claimAnchorOutputMinWeight = 700
// The biggest htlc input is an HTLC-success with anchor outputs:
// 143 bytes (accepted_htlc_script) + 327 bytes (success_witness) + 41 bytes (commitment_input) = 511 bytes
// See /~
val htlcInputMaxWeight = 511
val claimHtlcDelayedWeight = 483
val claimHtlcSuccessWeight = 571
val claimHtlcTimeoutWeight = 545
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Expand Up @@ -618,15 +618,15 @@ class ZmqWatcherSpec extends TestKitBaseClass with AnyFunSuiteLike with Bitcoind
assert(probe.expectMsgType[Transaction].txIn.length > 2) // we added more than 1 wallet input
val htlcSuccessTargetFee = Transactions.weight2fee(TestConstants.feeratePerKw, htlcSuccessTx.weight.toInt)
assert(htlcSuccessTargetFee * 0.9 <= htlcSuccessTx.fees && htlcSuccessTx.fees <= htlcSuccessTargetFee * 1.1, s"actualFee=${htlcSuccessTx.fees} targetFee=$htlcSuccessTargetFee")
assert(htlcSuccessTargetFee * 0.9 <= htlcSuccessTx.fees && htlcSuccessTx.fees <= htlcSuccessTargetFee * 1.4, s"actualFee=${htlcSuccessTx.fees} targetFee=$htlcSuccessTargetFee")

// The HTLC-timeout tx will be published once its absolute timeout is satisfied.
val htlcTimeoutTx = getMempoolTxs(bitcoinClient, 1, probe).head
assert(probe.expectMsgType[Transaction].txIn.length > 2) // we added more than 1 wallet input
val htlcTimeoutTargetFee = Transactions.weight2fee(TestConstants.feeratePerKw, htlcTimeoutTx.weight.toInt)
assert(htlcTimeoutTargetFee * 0.9 <= htlcTimeoutTx.fees && htlcTimeoutTx.fees <= htlcTimeoutTargetFee * 1.1, s"actualFee=${htlcSuccessTx.fees} targetFee=$htlcTimeoutTargetFee")
assert(htlcTimeoutTargetFee * 0.9 <= htlcTimeoutTx.fees && htlcTimeoutTx.fees <= htlcTimeoutTargetFee * 1.4, s"actualFee=${htlcSuccessTx.fees} targetFee=$htlcTimeoutTargetFee")

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