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Allow force-closing unconfirmed dual funded channels
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As suggested by @pm47, it's actually not that hard to handle this.

Note that we don't allow mutual closing an unconfirmed channel, but that
is also the case for single-funded channels. We can improve that in the
future if necessary.
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t-bast committed Aug 17, 2022
1 parent 66a111f commit 075a606
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Expand Up @@ -486,7 +486,12 @@ final case class DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED(commitments: Commitments,
waitingSince: BlockHeight, // how long have we been waiting for a funding tx to confirm
lastChecked: BlockHeight, // last time we checked if the channel was double-spent
rbfAttempt: Option[typed.ActorRef[InteractiveTxBuilder.Command]],
deferred: Option[ChannelReady]) extends PersistentChannelData
deferred: Option[ChannelReady]) extends PersistentChannelData {
val signedFundingTx_opt: Option[Transaction] = fundingTx match {
case _: PartiallySignedSharedTransaction => None
case tx: FullySignedSharedTransaction => Some(tx.signedTx)
final case class DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_READY(commitments: Commitments,
shortIds: ShortIds,
otherFundingTxs: Seq[DualFundingTx],
Expand All @@ -510,6 +515,7 @@ final case class DATA_NEGOTIATING(commitments: Commitments,
final case class DATA_CLOSING(commitments: Commitments,
fundingTx: Option[Transaction], // this will be non-empty if we are the initiator and we got in closing while waiting for our own tx to be published
waitingSince: BlockHeight, // how long since we initiated the closing
alternativeCommitments: List[Commitments], // commitments we signed that spend a different funding output
mutualCloseProposed: List[ClosingTx], // all exchanged closing sigs are flattened, we use this only to keep track of what publishable tx they have
mutualClosePublished: List[ClosingTx] = Nil,
localCommitPublished: Option[LocalCommitPublished] = None,
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Expand Up @@ -1084,6 +1084,23 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder, val

case Event(BITCOIN_FUNDING_TIMEOUT, d: DATA_CLOSING) => handleFundingTimeout(d)

case Event(w: WatchFundingConfirmedTriggered, d: DATA_CLOSING) =>
d.alternativeCommitments.find(_.commitInput.outPoint.txid == w.tx.txid) match {
case Some(alternativeCommitments) =>"an alternative funding tx with txid={} got confirmed", w.tx.txid)
val commitTx = alternativeCommitments.fullySignedLocalCommitTx(keyManager).tx
val commitTxs = Set(commitTx.txid, alternativeCommitments.remoteCommit.txid)
blockchain ! WatchFundingSpent(self, alternativeCommitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid, alternativeCommitments.commitInput.outPoint.index.toInt, commitTxs)
context.system.eventStream.publish(TransactionConfirmed(d.channelId, remoteNodeId, w.tx))
val localCommitPublished = Closing.LocalClose.claimCommitTxOutputs(keyManager, alternativeCommitments, commitTx, nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, nodeParams.onChainFeeConf)
stay() using d.copy(commitments = alternativeCommitments, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished)) storing() calling doPublish(localCommitPublished, alternativeCommitments)
case None =>
if (d.commitments.commitInput.outPoint.txid != w.tx.txid) {
log.warning("an unknown funding tx with txid={} got confirmed, this should not happen", w.tx.txid)

case Event(WatchFundingSpentTriggered(tx), d: DATA_CLOSING) =>
if (d.mutualClosePublished.exists(_.tx.txid == tx.txid)) {
// we already know about this tx, probably because we have published it ourselves after successful negotiation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1332,7 +1349,7 @@ class Channel(val nodeParams: NodeParams, val wallet: OnChainChannelFunder, val
val minDepth_opt = Helpers.Funding.minDepthDualFunding(nodeParams.channelConf, d.commitments.channelFeatures, d.fundingParams)
val minDepth = minDepth_opt.getOrElse {
val defaultMinDepth = nodeParams.channelConf.minDepthBlocks
// If we are in state WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED, then the computed minDepth should be > 0, otherwise we would
// If we are in state WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED, then the computed minDepth should be > 0, otherwise we would
// have skipped this state. Maybe the computation method was changed and eclair was restarted?
log.warning("min_depth should be defined since we're waiting for the funding tx to confirm, using default minDepth={}", defaultMinDepth)
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Expand Up @@ -445,14 +445,6 @@ trait ChannelOpenDualFunded extends DualFundingHandlers with ErrorHandlers {
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(2 seconds, self, remoteAnnSigs)

// We can't easily force-close until we know which funding transaction confirms.
// A better option would be to double-spend the funding transaction(s).
log.warning("cannot force-close while dual-funded transactions are unconfirmed")
val replyTo = if (c.replyTo == ActorRef.noSender) sender() else c.replyTo
replyTo ! RES_FAILURE(c, CommandUnavailableInThisState(d.channelId, "force-close", stateName))

case Event(e: Error, d: DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED) => handleRemoteError(e, d)

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Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ trait ErrorHandlers extends CommonHandlers {
def handleMutualClose(closingTx: ClosingTx, d: Either[DATA_NEGOTIATING, DATA_CLOSING]) = {"closing tx published: closingTxId=${closingTx.tx.txid}")
val nextData = d match {
case Left(negotiating) => DATA_CLOSING(negotiating.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight,, mutualClosePublished = closingTx :: Nil)
case Left(negotiating) => DATA_CLOSING(negotiating.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed =, mutualClosePublished = closingTx :: Nil)
case Right(closing) => closing.copy(mutualClosePublished = closing.mutualClosePublished :+ closingTx)
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() calling doPublish(closingTx, nextData.commitments.localParams.isInitiator)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,9 +143,6 @@ trait ErrorHandlers extends CommonHandlers {
val commitTx = d.commitments.fullySignedLocalCommitTx(keyManager)
txPublisher ! PublishFinalTx(commitTx, 0 sat, None)
case _: DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED =>"cannot close channel while dual-funding txs are unconfirmed: waiting for a transaction to confirm or be double-spent")
case hasCommitments: PersistentChannelData => spendLocalCurrent(hasCommitments) // NB: we publish the commitment even if we have nothing at stake (in a dataloss situation our peer will send us an error just for that)
case _: TransientChannelData => goto(CLOSED) // when there is no commitment yet, we just go to CLOSED state in case an error occurs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,21 +191,16 @@ trait ErrorHandlers extends CommonHandlers {
log.warning("we have an outdated commitment: will not publish our local tx")
} else {
d match {
case _: DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED =>"cannot spend our commitment while dual-funding txs are unconfirmed: waiting for a transaction to confirm or be double-spent")
case _ =>
val commitTx = d.commitments.fullySignedLocalCommitTx(keyManager).tx
val localCommitPublished = Closing.LocalClose.claimCommitTxOutputs(keyManager, d.commitments, commitTx, nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, nodeParams.onChainFeeConf)
val nextData = d match {
case closing: DATA_CLOSING => closing.copy(localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight,, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
case waitForFundingConfirmed: DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = waitForFundingConfirmed.fundingTx, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() calling doPublish(localCommitPublished, d.commitments)
val commitTx = d.commitments.fullySignedLocalCommitTx(keyManager).tx
val localCommitPublished = Closing.LocalClose.claimCommitTxOutputs(keyManager, d.commitments, commitTx, nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, nodeParams.onChainFeeConf)
val nextData = d match {
case closing: DATA_CLOSING => closing.copy(localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil,, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
case waitForFundingConfirmed: DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = waitForFundingConfirmed.fundingTx, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
case waitForFundingConfirmed: DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = waitForFundingConfirmed.signedFundingTx_opt, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments =, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, localCommitPublished = Some(localCommitPublished))
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() calling doPublish(localCommitPublished, d.commitments)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,15 +241,10 @@ trait ErrorHandlers extends CommonHandlers {
val remoteCommitPublished = Closing.RemoteClose.claimCommitTxOutputs(keyManager, d.commitments, d.commitments.remoteCommit, commitTx, nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, nodeParams.onChainFeeConf)
val nextData = d match {
case closing: DATA_CLOSING => closing.copy(remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight,, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case waitForFundingConfirmed: DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = waitForFundingConfirmed.fundingTx, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case waitForFundingConfirmed: DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED =>
val dualFundedTx_opt = waitForFundingConfirmed.fundingTx match {
case _: InteractiveTxBuilder.PartiallySignedSharedTransaction => None
case tx: InteractiveTxBuilder.FullySignedSharedTransaction => Some(tx.signedTx)
DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = dualFundedTx_opt, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed =, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case waitForFundingConfirmed: DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = waitForFundingConfirmed.fundingTx, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case waitForFundingConfirmed: DATA_WAIT_FOR_DUAL_FUNDING_CONFIRMED => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = waitForFundingConfirmed.signedFundingTx_opt, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments =, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, remoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() calling doPublish(remoteCommitPublished, d.commitments)
Expand All @@ -272,7 +259,7 @@ trait ErrorHandlers extends CommonHandlers {
claimHtlcTxs = Map.empty,
claimAnchorTxs = List.empty,
irrevocablySpent = Map.empty)
val nextData = DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, Nil, futureRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
val nextData = DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, Nil, Nil, futureRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() calling doPublish(remoteCommitPublished, d.commitments)

Expand All @@ -287,9 +274,9 @@ trait ErrorHandlers extends CommonHandlers {
val remoteCommitPublished = Closing.RemoteClose.claimCommitTxOutputs(keyManager, d.commitments, remoteCommit, commitTx, nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, nodeParams.onChainFeeConf)
val nextData = d match {
case closing: DATA_CLOSING => closing.copy(nextRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight,, nextRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed =, nextRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
// NB: if there is a next commitment, we can't be in DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED so we don't have the case where fundingTx is defined
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, nextRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, nextRemoteCommitPublished = Some(remoteCommitPublished))
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() calling doPublish(remoteCommitPublished, d.commitments)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,9 +310,9 @@ trait ErrorHandlers extends CommonHandlers {

val nextData = d match {
case closing: DATA_CLOSING => closing.copy(revokedCommitPublished = closing.revokedCommitPublished :+ revokedCommitPublished)
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight,, revokedCommitPublished = revokedCommitPublished :: Nil)
case negotiating: DATA_NEGOTIATING => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed =, revokedCommitPublished = revokedCommitPublished :: Nil)
// NB: if there is a revoked commitment, we can't be in DATA_WAIT_FOR_FUNDING_CONFIRMED so we don't have the case where fundingTx is defined
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, revokedCommitPublished = revokedCommitPublished :: Nil)
case _ => DATA_CLOSING(d.commitments, fundingTx = None, waitingSince = nodeParams.currentBlockHeight, alternativeCommitments = Nil, mutualCloseProposed = Nil, revokedCommitPublished = revokedCommitPublished :: Nil)
goto(CLOSING) using nextData storing() calling doPublish(revokedCommitPublished) sending error
case None =>
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import{HtlcTxAndSi
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.protocol.CommonCodecs._
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.protocol.LightningMessageCodecs.{channelAnnouncementCodec, channelUpdateCodec, combinedFeaturesCodec}
import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.protocol._
import fr.acinq.eclair.{BlockHeight, Alias, TimestampSecond}
import fr.acinq.eclair.{Alias, BlockHeight, TimestampSecond}
import scodec.Codec
import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector}
import scodec.codecs._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,7 +433,10 @@ private[channel] object ChannelCodecs0 {
("remoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("nextRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("futureRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).as[DATA_CLOSING].decodeOnly
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).map {
case commitments :: fundingTx :: waitingSince :: mutualCloseProposed :: mutualClosePublished :: localCommitPublished :: remoteCommitPublished :: nextRemoteCommitPublished :: futureRemoteCommitPublished :: revokedCommitPublished :: HNil =>
DATA_CLOSING(commitments, fundingTx, waitingSince, Nil, mutualCloseProposed, mutualClosePublished, localCommitPublished, remoteCommitPublished, nextRemoteCommitPublished, futureRemoteCommitPublished, revokedCommitPublished)

val DATA_CLOSING_09_Codec: Codec[DATA_CLOSING] = (
("commitments" | commitmentsCodec) ::
Expand All @@ -445,7 +448,10 @@ private[channel] object ChannelCodecs0 {
("remoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("nextRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("futureRemoteCommitPublished" | optional(bool, remoteCommitPublishedCodec)) ::
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).as[DATA_CLOSING].decodeOnly
("revokedCommitPublished" | listOfN(uint16, revokedCommitPublishedCodec))).map {
case commitments :: fundingTx :: waitingSince :: mutualCloseProposed :: mutualClosePublished :: localCommitPublished :: remoteCommitPublished :: nextRemoteCommitPublished :: futureRemoteCommitPublished :: revokedCommitPublished :: HNil =>
DATA_CLOSING(commitments, fundingTx, waitingSince, Nil, mutualCloseProposed, mutualClosePublished, localCommitPublished, remoteCommitPublished, nextRemoteCommitPublished, futureRemoteCommitPublished, revokedCommitPublished)

val channelReestablishCodec: Codec[ChannelReestablish] = (
("channelId" | bytes32) ::
Expand Down

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