GBIF Viewer: an open web-based biodiversity conservation decision-making tool for policy and governance. Спільний проєкт The Habitat Foundation та Української Природоохоронної Групи, за підтримки NLBIF: The Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility, nlbif2022.014
The GBIF Viewer consists of 2 components: a data dump creator and a web-viewer. There must be some kind of file storage through which data must be transferred between these components. The storage role for the data dump can be a Docker volume or a folder on the host server or cloud storage. This storage must be mounted to the container.
** gbif_app_v1 ** - The first version application. Get GBIF data by list of species. Geting data by occ_search()
** gbif_app_v2 ** - The second version application. Get GBIF data from data damp.
** name_lookup ** - The code for data damp creation.
** container_webapp ** - The docker conteiner for build web application wich work with data damp.
** container_datadump ** - The Docker container for generating data dump.
- Create a docker volume to exchange data between components
- Get GBIF Viewer source code
- Deploy datadump creator Docker image & run it
- Deploy web application Docker image
You need to create any storage
docker volume create --name gbif_data
git clone /~
cd gbif_shiny_onlineviewer
Go to folder deploy_datadump_creator
and read manual 'deploy_datadump_creator/'.
cd deploy_datadump_creator
Go to folder deploy_webapp
and read manual 'deploy_webapp/'.
cd deploy_webapp