Employee Payroll Management System (A RESTful API for Spring Boot)
"Big picture: We’re going to create a simple payroll service that manages the employees of a company. We’ll store employee objects in a (H2 in-memory) database, and access them (via something called JPA). Then we’ll wrap that with something that will allow access over the internet (called the Spring MVC layer) ..."
"Introducing Spring HATEOAS, a Spring project aimed at helping you write hypermedia-driven outputs. To upgrade your service to being RESTful, add this to your build: ... "
-- Building REST services with Spring (Spring Guide)
This is an Employee Payroll Management RESTful API for Spring Boot, which performs CRUD operations on an in-memory database.
- Java 17
- Spring MVC
- Spring Boot
- Spring HATEOAS
- Java JPA
- H2 Database.
- Postman
i. Clone the git repo
ii. Open project folder
iii. Explore
i. Open project in preferred IDE (I'm using SpringToolSuit4)
ii. Run as a Spring Boot App
iii. Test RESTful API end points using Postman for CRUD operations:
- Get All Employees
- Get Employee By ID
- Post Employee
- Put Employee
- Delete Employee
- Get All Employees
- Get Employee By ID
- Post Employee
- Put Employee
- Delete Employee
- Check Employee has been deleted!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change at:
Spring Guide Github Repo: /~https://github.com/spring-guides/tut-rest.
Author: SPRING by VMware Tanzu
Tutorial Name: "Building REST services with Spring"
Spring URL: https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/rest/
Github Project Name: Building REST Services with Spring
Github URL: /~https://github.com/spring-guides/tut-rest