Kulupu is a pure (no pre-mine, no gadget) proof-of-work blockchain built on the Substrate framework, with support of on-chain governance and online upgrades. It uses ASIC-resistant mining algorithm of RandomX.
The network was launched in September 2019. The first hard fork, code-named Slag Ravine happened in December 2019, at era 0 block 100,000. The second hard fork, code-named Swamp Bottom happened at era 0 block 320,000 on 6th May 2020.
The current Kulupu blockchain enabled Substrate's balances and governance pallet modules. Smart contract is a planned but not yet enabled feature, due to stability concerns.
You can use the binary build at Kulupu's releases page.
Clone this repo and update the submodules:
git clone /~https://github.com/kulupu/kulupu
cd kulupu
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install Rust and required tools:
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
Install necessary dependencies. On Ubuntu, run the following:
sudo apt install -y cmake pkg-config libssl-dev git gcc build-essential clang libclang-dev
cargo run --release
If you previously run Era 0 full node, please purge the current block storage before continue.
cargo run --release -- purge-chain
Kulupu implements signed mining. To mine Kulupu blocks, you have to have the coinbase private key stored in the mining software, as a new signature is produced for every new nonce. We refer to the private key for signed mining as the mining key.
The eaiest way to get a mining key is to generate a new one using the
cargo run --release -- generate-mining-key
Keep your secret seed in a secure place.
Alternatively, you can also import an existing private key as the mining key,
using the import-mining-key
cargo run --release -- import-mining-key "<secret seed>"
Remember either the public key or the address, and pass it to node for mining. For example:
cargo run --release -- --validator --author 0x7e946b7dd192307b4538d664ead95474062ac3738e04b5f3084998b76bc5122d
- Algorithm: RandomX
- Block time: 60 seconds
- Total issurance: Governed on-chain, expected to be no more than 210 million KLP.
- No premine
This project is a side project by Wei Tang, and is not endorsed by Parity Technologies.