This app uses:
- Ruby 3.0.2
- Rails 6.1.4
- Postgresql
- Webpacker
- ReactJS
- FastJson API
- Rspec + Capybara
- Brakeman
To run locally, run the following commands:
bundle install
bundle exec rails webpacker:install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails s --binding=
Then go to http://localhost:3000/
To run testing, run the following commands:
- rspec spec/.
To run linter, run the following command:
- rubocop -A
To run secuirty analysis, run the following commad:
Then open the 'output.html' in a browser
Deployment Info:
- Hosting service: Heroku
Coninuous Deployment w/ corresponding branch:
- Production app: main
- Review app: frontend-dev
Continuous Integration:
- Rspec tests ran with every push and/or pull request
- Find the configurations in .github/workflows/workflow.yml