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Releases: 3F/GetNuTool


07 Feb 13:11
@3F 3F
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GetNuTool 1.9 - Embeddable Package Manager (+core in .bat); 🕊

📑 What's new in 1.9 ...
  • FIXED: TLS 1.3 (and newer versions) support.

  • FIXED: Invalid return code in gnt.bat in attempt to use ||

  • FIXED: Incorrect delayed expansion when embedding gnt.bat

  • NEW: Added break option to control the break on first package error when multiple receiving.

  • NEW: Hash values control using sha1 for receiving every package if used unsecured channels (~windows xp) etc.
    get & grab modes; packages.config & inline records support.

  • NEW: Implemented alias to ngpackages=... gnt.bat.
    gnt Conari gnt "regXwild;Fnv1a128"

  • NEW: Added new grab mode. Grabs data without unpacking. The available parameters are similar to get.
    gnt Huid/1.0.0:src.nupkg /t:grab gnt :../netfx4sdk.cmd /t:grab /p:ngserver=https://server/netfx4sdk.cmd

  • NEW: ssl3=true option to not drop legacy ssl3, tls1.0, tls1.1.

  • NEW: Added logo global property to hide logo when processing starts.

  • NEW: Extra C# edition: GetNuTool.cs includes a fully compatible gnt.core inside.
    (.NET Framework 4.0+, .NET 5+, Mono, .NET Core, .NET Standard)
    var gnt = new net.r_eg.GetNuTool(); gnt.Run(ngpackages: "Conari;regXwild"); ... gnt.Run(ngpackages: "Fnv1a128");

  • CHANGED: ngconfig default values: packages.config;.tools\packages.config

  • CHANGED: Removed -msbuild key in gnt.bat. Override engine instead.

  • CHANGED: Overriding engine in gnt.bat via msb.gnt.cmd (either file or environment variable)

  • CHANGED: Dropped support for ssl3 + tls1.0 + tls1.1 by default.
    Set ssl3=true to cancel this.

  • NOTE: GetNuTool releases are now accompanied by a .sha1 file in the official distribution;
    At the same time, commits from which releases are published are signed with the committer's verified signature (GPG).

      Make sure you are using official, unmodified, safe versions.


16 Jan 16:41
@3F 3F
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Public release. GetNuTool 1.8

* CHANGED: Changed `%~dp0` to `%cd%` processing for the following in batch version by default:

           `wpath` property
           `-unpack` key

           For some cases you need to update the use of the batch version in your code.
           Do not hesitate to contact if you have the questions:

* CHANGED: Trims whitespaces in optional proxycfg property.

           Helps to avoid MSB1006 problem for 3rd tools which was based on gnt batch version.
           That is,

           ~ /p:proxycfg=" !proxy! " will be safely considered as optional value
           While /p:proxycfg="" will indicate about incorrect or missing data.

* FIXED: Fixed post actions when executing gnt core in batch version.

* FIXED: "The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required."

          Related issue: /~

* NOTE: Official releases via GitHub Releases:

* NOTE: About possible commands and keys: /~


22 Dec 15:30
@3F 3F
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Public release of the GetNuTool v1.7

* NEW:  New logic to specify multiple packages and config files via delimiters.
        Now main core just ignores `;` when `|` is found.

        Read the documentation.

* FIXED: Fixed problems with special symbols in path. Issue #7
         ' &!~`@#$^(+)_=%-;[.]{,}

* CHANGED: Batch version now uses safe logic for work with special symbols from `-msbuild` key.
* CHANGED: Fully updated compression for generating more lightweight distribution.
           Useful for projects like DllExport, hMSBuild, and so on.

           New way for argument passing into the main core.


08 Dec 18:20
@3F 3F
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CI-build-21 Pre-release

🎲 Nightly build of a200982 ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2015; Console:

Only for tests 🗨 Commit message:

New way for arguments passing into main core. And fully updated compression together with .packer for more lightweight distribution, like for DllExport or hMSBuild project.

// TODO: code review and fully new structure! this is just a working draft version of the .packer and its compressors. But now it's really complex pre/post-processing than before o_o


05 Aug 12:08
@3F 3F
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Public release of the GetNuTool v1.6.2

* FIXED: Bug when the output path for packages may contain `:`
         e.g. like absolute path from %cd% ~ D:\path\...

* FIXED: Possible 'The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.'
         Related issue: /~

* NEW: Implemented proxy support via `$(proxycfg)`. Issue #5


22 Jul 11:35
@3F 3F
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CI-build-19 Pre-release

🎲 Nightly build of 23e6489 ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2015; Console:

Please use this only for tests of latest changes! 🗨 Commit message:

Implemented proxy support via $(proxycfg). Issue #5



21 Jul 10:58
@3F 3F
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CI-build-18 Pre-release

🎲 Nightly build of 7bebfe4 ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2015; Console:

Please use this only for tests of latest changes! 🗨 Commit message:

Fixed bug when the output path for packages may contain : e.g. like absolute path from %cd% ~ D:\path...

This is also related for Issue #6 because we can use this as an alternative with absolute path.


15 Jul 14:08
@3F 3F
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CI-build-17 Pre-release

🎲 Nightly build of 053c49e ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2015; Console:

Please note: It can be unstable or not work at all. Use this only for tests of latest changes.

🗨 Commit message:

Fixes possible problem 'The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.'


18 Aug 14:06
@3F 3F
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Public release of the GetNuTool v1.6.1

* FIXED: Fixed problem "Input string was not in a correct format" when used version with release type,
         e.g.: 1.2.3-alpha, 1.2.3-beta-2, 1.2.3-rc ...

* FIXED: Avoids errors with possible incorrect CRC & Compressed size info. Issue #3
* FIXED: Fixed problems with paths and whitespace characters for `-unpack` command in executable version.
* CHANGED: Removed '15.0' from searching by registry key as an unused way for all new VS2017+
* CHANGED: 'MSBuild was not found' now returns (0x2) ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
* CHANGED: Сhanged variable name %msbuild% to %msbuildexe% that was related for Issue #2
* CHANGED: Improved comparing arguments for executable version.


08 Dec 13:29
@3F 3F
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public release v1.6

    * NEW: Executable version. Implemented `-unpack` command.
           To generate minified version from executable.
           gnt -unpack

    * NEW: Executable version. Implemented `-msbuild` command.
           To use specific msbuild for executable version.
           gnt -msbuild "D:\MSBuild\bin\amd64\msbuild" /p:ngpackages="Conari"

    * NEW: Added ';' splitter for .config files.
           The `|` now is marked as obsolete and can be removed in new versions.

    * NEW: MSBuild-helper with `-notamd64` option.
           Related issue: /~

    * FIXED: Part of unhandled exceptions has been changed on messages to stderr:
            `The "PrepareList" task failed unexpectedly / FileNotFoundException`
             The "NGPack" task - DirectoryNotFoundException & The "NGDownload" task - WebException 404

    * CHANGED: Value of `ngconfig` property now is `packages.config` by default.