This dashboard shows recent developments of the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest open data on the COVID-19 spread are regularly downloaded and displayed in a map, summary tables, key figures and plots.
Our Motivation is to make similar thing, that shows data related to Indian States and India.
First install R and your favourite IDE on your machine (I suggest RStudio
or IntelliJ Community Edition with R plugin). To run the dashboard on your
own machine, clone the repository and install
To get Renv, we need to get RStudio. Renv is a dependency management tool for R. After installing call renv::restore()
. This will get all libraries in renv.lock and install them on your machine. Afterwards
you should be able to run the dashboard by calling shiny::runApp()
I used RStudio Connect with to publish this dashboard. As
the rsconnect library currently does not run smoothly with renv,
deactivate renv by calling renv::deactivate()
. Afterwards you should
be able to deploy the dashboard to Shinyapps using rsconnect::deployApp()
If you find any bug / issue or have an idea how to improve the dashboard, please create an issue. I will try to look into it as soon as possible.
MIT © Christoph Schönenberger