There is another version that does not depend on RxJava under
This version uses RxJava. To run it, please include RxJava package in the classpath.
For SuDoKu solutions, input an integer that represents the matrix size, such as:
java -cp rxjava.jar:. kenkenrx.Kenkenrx 5
It outputs all the SuDoKu solutions for 5x5 matrix.
For KenKen solutions, provide a file that encodes a KenKen problem, such as:
java -cp rxjava.jar:. kenkenrx.Kenkenrx input/kenken.5
It uses file ./input/kenken.5 as input and computes its solution.
The package includes a few example files for KenKen problems under ./input directory. Please just follow them to create your own KenKen problems. For example, for the following KenKen problem:
The input file input.6 has the following, which uses a single character to represent one region, and uses operator + - * / to represent the computation. If it is a single cell region that has no computation, leave the operator blank. Multiplication operator can be either * or x .
a c l s s t
a c l $ # t
a d m $ # z
b d m v x z
b w w v x z
K 6 x
B 14 +
a 10 +
c 1 -
l 7 +
s 4 x
t 2 /
d 1 -
m 1 -
$ 30 x
# 5 +
b 3 -
w 3 -
v 7 +
x 6 x
z 30 x
Then the output will be:
6 1 4 2 5 3
3 5 6 1 4 2
2 6 1 5 3 4
5 4 3 6 2 1
1 3 2 4 6 5
4 2 5 3 1 6