The original translated into english and using pwd url base for nginx reverse proxy use
This project allows you to create a list of your plex video files and to share them through a web interface.
I would recomend setting up a crontab that backups the plex database every night then have this use the new file that has been created that way this doesn't lock the plex database
If you prefer to compile the latest version of the project yourself, or if your operating system is not supported:
** On Windows **
prerequisites, install git (
prerequisites, install nodejs 0.12.x (
open the 'cmb' command prompt, and then move to a directory where you want to install
git clone /~
cd plex-web-downloader
npm install
modify the file config.js, to put the path of the database plex (attention must double the anti-slash and protect the spaces)
For example: C: \ Users \ yourUsername \ AppData \ Local \ Plex \ Media \ Server \ Plug-in \ Support \ Databases \ com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
npm start
then open in your browser the address http: // localhost: 3000
** Under MacOS **
prerequisites, nodejs
brew install node
git clone /~
cd plex-web-downloader
npm install
modify the file config.js, to put the path of the database plex
example: / Users / yourUsername / Library / Application Support / Plex Media Server / Plug-in Support / Databases / com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
npm start
then open in your browser the address http: // localhost: 3000
** Under Ubuntu **
prerequisites nodejs, or
apt-get install nodejs
ln -s / usr / bin / nodejs / usr / local / bin / node
then move to your directory to install and:
git clone /~
cd plex-web-downloader
npm install
modify the file config.js, to put the path of the database plex
Example: / home / yourUsername / plex-config / Plex Media Server / Plug-in Support / Databases / com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
npm start
then open in your browser the address http: // localhost: 3000
** the project was originally created with **
node install express -g
node install express-generator -g
express project_name
cd project_name
npm install
** to install plex (from a dockerfile) **
mkdir ~ / plex-config
sudo chown 797: 797 -R ~ / plex-config
sudo docker -d --restart = always -v ~ / plex-config: / config -v ~ / Movies: / media / plex -p 32400: 32400 wernight / plex-media-server
sudo chmod 777 ~ / plex-config / Plex \ Media \ Server / Plug-in / Support / Databases / *
sudo chmod 777 ~ / Movies
sudo ln -s ~ / Movies / media / plex
then configure your channels on: http: // localhost: 32400 / web / index.html
npm install enclose -g
enclose -o bin / mac_bin --loglevel info -c enclose_config.js -v 0.12.7 ./bin/www
- Manage thumbnail images
- Manage multi-source downloads by offering a link aria2 (see
- Integrated web ui:
- Set up an upload limit that can be activated on demand