Releases: 1101-1/TRustyPasswd
Releases · 1101-1/TRustyPasswd
Beta release TRustyPasswd version 1.0.0
Basic implementation using CLI
How to use it:
The first thing is unpack the program in convenient place.
Next, you need to go to the path of unpacking program by cd <folder_name_where_unpacking>
in terminal.
After that, you need to write like this in depends of your system:
To add username, service and etc. :
trusty_passwd.exe -a(--args) <add/show/delete> -n(--name) <username> -s(--service) <service> <password> <url>
./trusty_passwd -a(--args) <add/show/delete> -n(--name) <username> -s(--service) <service> <password> <url>
To start the program, you need to locate in application folder. Otherwise, the program does not work.