Tested with latest MAME version 0.236 (Compatible with MAME and WolfMAME versions from 0.196 upwards)
Jumpman has regenerated as the next Dr Who. Help him rescue his assistant from the clutches of Donkey Kong. The Daleks have destroyed her rocket ship and you're her only hope for escape. Use the Tardis to teleport Jumpman through dimensions in spacetime.
You must first patch the dkong rom to update the sprites. The IPS patch is available from /~https://github.com/10yard/dkafe/blob/master/patch/dkongwho.ips
The plugin is installed by copying the "dkwho" folder into your MAME plugins folder.
The plugin is run by adding -plugin dkwho
to your MAME arguments e.g.
mame dkong -plugin dkwho
Please send feedback to jon123wilson@hotmail.com