This script generates custom rules for hosted domains so that domains accessed via Cloudflare or hosts file could be reached with Engintron
Engintron & the "Custom Rules" file (for Nginx)
- automation via cron
- regenerates rules only if virtualhost is added/modified/deleted
- does not overwrite custom rules therefore can be used with your own custom rules
engintron-domain-rules [option]
-h|--help|help : show this message
gen|generate : generate rules and apply
fogen|forcegenerate : the same even if no hosts were added/deleted/changed recently
dryrun : display generated rules that will be applied, but do not apply
show : show currently applied rules
install : install cron
remove|uninstall : remove cron and previously generated rules
cd /usr/local/bin/ && curl -skLo engintron-domain-rules /~ && sh engintron-domain-rules install && cd -
cd /usr/local/bin/ && curl -skLo engintron-domain-rules /~ && sh engintron-domain-rules remove && sh engintron-domain-rules install && cd -
engintron-domain-rules remove && rm -f /usr/local/bin/engintron-domain-rules