Hash-Extender-Bruter is a tool in python to bruteforce Hash-extender length and send back cookie to website
- auto detect hashes type and check if they are vulnerable
- send the new generated signatures to website and exclude results that contains words in resfilter option
git clone /~https://github.com/0xMohammed/Hash-Extender-Bruter.git
cd Hash-Extender-Bruter
mv ./hash-extender /usr/bin
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x ./Hash-Extender-bruter.py
-h : show help menu
-d : the original data i.e. user=demo
-s : signature (hash)
-a : data to add i.e. user=admin
-r : bad word i.e. 'wrong signature'
SHA1 length extension attack on the Secure Filesystem
MD5 length extension and Blind SQL Injection - BruCON CTF part 3