Python and Fortran implementation for computing a weighted distance transform of an image.
A distance transform is a map of an image that assign to each pixel its distance to the nearest boundary. A weighted distance transform extends this by allowing for weighted distances, replacing the uniform Euclidian distance measure with a non-uniform marginal cost function. Useful for image analysis or computing potential functions in path finding.
This script implements a fast marching algorithm in Fortran, compiled to a Python library upon install (if Numpy and a fortran compiler are present). Alternatively, a Python implementation of the same algorithm is provided as fallback.
- Python 3 (but no real obstacles for Python 2)
- Numpy/Scipy and the Python Imaging library (PIL)
- Matplotlib for plotting images (not required)
- Fortran compiler, makes script significantly faster (recommended, not required)
Input (left): A PNG/JPG image with with boundaries/exits from which to compute the distance (green), obstacles (full black), normal space (white), less 'accessible space' (grey-ish).
Output (right): A distance transform. Image plotted in Matplotlib.
Installing uses setuptools
from distutils with NumPy extensions.
Clone the repository
git clone /~
If a Fortran compiler is present, install the modules:
cd weighted-distance-transform
python3 install
The original use case of this script is creating motion planners for 2D environments (in crowd dynamics). We identify goals with green, obstacles in black, and accessible space in white. The corresponding color mapping is included. You can use any color (except green) to indicate an area that is less easily accessible (and preferably should be avoided). The darker the colour (mapped to a greyscale), the more difficult it is to move through.
Since this mapping is pretty arbitrary, you can provide your own in
Once you created an image, you can provide it to the script as shown below.
runs the code below.
import wdt
cost_field = wdt.map_image_to_costs('images/ex2.png')
distance_transform = wdt.get_weighted_distance_transform(cost_field)
- Omar Richardson
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Algorithms inspired by
- Heap implementation based on Daniel Pena's mheap
- Uses
to create Python libraries