A program for emulating keyboard or mouse by interacting with componnents connected to Arduino. It tracks the messages sent via serial port from arduino, recognizes and handle them properly. Its very easily to set up a bunch of components connected to your arduino like buttons, switches, joystick with my library Gamepad-Library and then to assign actions to them using this program. The biggest disadvantage is a requirement to have it running in the background of the game.. But in some cases it can be very useful, especially when working with cheap arduino clones, or arudino types which are not acting as a HID device. Then using most common joystick libraries may be problematic for some people or even impossible.
The application allows you to assign actions to components connected to your arduino. It requires the use of Gamepad-Library mentioned above. The library is responsible for sending messages that describe components states from arduino to PC, and the application is intended to handle those messages, and to perform appropriate actions. The way it does it is pretty simple. I used two functions provided in <windows.h> library - SetCursorPos keybd_event The first to handle mouse movement, and the second to handle key pressing. See the Gamepad-Library to see how the messages looks like and how they are composed.
Button Pressed/Button Released <--> Key pressed/Key released
Joystick swing <--> Can emulate either mouse(4 velocities, depending on the swing angle)
Or 4 buttons(Key X pressed/Key X released).
Start by cloning the repository with git clone /~https://github.com/09pawel0898/arudino-gamepad-emulator.git
Then run generate_project.bat for Visual Studio 2019 project generation, launch *.sln file and build solution.
Exe file is also provided in "executable" folder.
Serial-Port - C++ Library for Serial Communication
Benjijart - This video inspired me to do this application, he presented a similar program but without any options for customization.
- Saving and reading settings