A simple timer module to get the number of seconds between two timestamps.
Only FPM is supported, other build systems can copy the source file (./src/*.f90
) directly.
To use timer
within your fpm
project, add the following lines to your fpm.toml
timer = { git="/~https://github.com/zoziha/timer" }
> fpm run --example --all # run the example
program example_day_timer
use timer_module, only: day_timer_type, sec2hms
implicit none
type(day_timer_type) :: tmr
call tmr%tic()
call sleep(1)
print *, 'Elapsed day time: ', tmr%toc(), ' sec'
print *, 'Elapsed day time: ', sec2hms(tmr%toc()), ' (h:m:s)'
print *, 'Elapsed day time: ', tmr%toc_string(), ' (d/h:m)'
end program example_day_timer
! Elapsed day time: 1.01499999 sec
! Elapsed day time: 00:00:01 (h:m:s)
! Elapsed day time: 00/00:00 (d/h:m)