Simple generic singly linked list module for in-memory storage of small amounts of data. sll
provides the ability to reuse linked list space to avoid the time-consuming duplication of memory allocation and destruction in certain application scenarios.
Suggestions and code contributions are welcome.
Only FPM is supported, other build systems can copy source files directly,
and ifort/ifx
and gfortran
compilers are tested.
To use slinked-list
within your fpm
project, add the following lines to your fpm.toml
slinked-list = { git="/~" }
> fpm run --example --all # run the example
program main
use sll_module, only: sll, iterator, sll_storage, sll_finalizer, iterator_finalizer
use display_module, only: display
implicit none
type(sll) :: list !! singly linked list
type(iterator) :: iter !! iterator for sll
class(*), pointer :: ptr !! generic pointer
call list%push_back(1.0)
call list%push_back(2)
call display(list%size(), "size:", inline=.true.)
call display(list%size(.true.), "capacity:", inline=.true.)
call list%empty()
call list%push_back(3.0)
call display(list%size(), "size:", inline=.true.)
call display(list%size(.true.), "capacity:", inline=.true.)
if (.not. list%is_empty()) then
iter = iterator(list)
do while (iter%next(ptr))
select type (ptr)
type is (real)
call display(ptr, "v:", inline=.true.)
type is (integer)
call display(ptr, "v:", inline=.true.)
end select
end do
end if
call display(sll_storage(list) + storage_size(list), "storage size (bit):", inline=.true.)
call sll_finalizer(list) ! free memory
call iterator_finalizer(iter) ! free memory
end program main
!> [scalar] size: 2
!> [scalar] capacity: 2
!> [scalar] size: 1
!> [scalar] capacity: 2
!> [scalar] v: 3.000E+00
!> [scalar] storage size (bit): 1664
Note: Due to the type conversion of class(*)
, sll
is not efficient, so it is only used for storing small datasets.